Chapter 15

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They hold hands as they walk down the beach. He smiles as she pushes herself closer and rests her head on his shoulders while he kisses her forehead.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'm just a little bit cold." She nods.
He nods and sees her head lift as she walks faster.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She calls making Derek cringe. The two older adults wave as she pulls him to them.
"What's your last name?" He whispers.
"Hendrix." She whispers back.
"Hey, darling." The man replies.
"How are you?" She asks, as the man leans in and kisses her cheek whirl she hugs her mother.
"We are good, Paris was so fun." Her mother says.
"I thought you went to Japan?" She asks.
"We did. Then we stopped by Paris." Her father smiles.

"This is my boyfriend, Derek Shepherd." Derek swallows nervously and Rose grabs his arm, pulling him closer.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix." He nods.
"It is indeed." Her mother replies, smiling warmly.
"What do you say we play some golf on Tuesday of this week to talk about how beautiful my daughter is?" Her father asks.
"Dad!" She squeals.
"I'd love to." Derek nods, holding out his hand.

"That band is beautiful." Her mother exclaims.
"Thank you, it was my fathers." Derek nods.
"Where are your parents now?" Mr. Hendrix asks.
"They are both... they were killed, sir." He sighs.
There is an awkward silence and Rose pulls his hand down before locking their fingers.

"Well, I'll see you at home." Rose smiles at her parents before pulling Derek away. He follows her and sits on a chair in front of the altar. She takes her spot next to him and stares at him. He sighs and pulls her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it.

"Derek, you didn't tell me about it," Rose says softly.
"I don't tell anyone about it unless they ask." He says.
"I'm sorry for your loss." She whispers.
"It's okay. It's fine." He nods as he sees a man walk down the aisle.
He stands on the right of the altar with all of his groomsmen.

"That's your cousin?" He asks.
"Yeah." She nods, gripping his hand tighter.
"Are you okay?" He asks as the priest steps
"Yeah." She nods again, and he squeezes her hand tightly.

Everyone quiets and he looks back as the doors open. Two women walk past and they are both wearing pastel colors; yellow then blue. He watches the last woman step in her spot and turns back to the girl at the end. He begins to look towards Rose but his head turns back to see Meredith's face. His eyes widen and he gazes at her in a long, pastel-green dress. Her shoulders are covered by see-through green cloth and she is holding a bouquet of white roses.

His hand leaves Rose's and travels to his collar, trying to loosen it. Time slows as she walks down the aisle and his eyes study every bit of her. It's as though all the air in the world couldn't relieve him now. Her eyes lock with his and he feels his chest contact.

He lives for everything about her. Her soft curves and her skin, soft as petals. The way her eyes changes shades of green and how safe they felt. Her hair flowed down her shoulders, lightly curled and looking like golden waterfalls. Light radiated outwards from her and he wanted to turn away to escape the heat but he couldn't. His eyes flick to her hand and sees the ring. His mouth opens and a soft exhale leaves him. His mother's ring was on her finger. It had been too small for his ring finger but it fit her perfectly. He almost stood up but Rose's hand tightens and he takes a sharp breath. Her eyes move to his left hand which is in Rose's. He watches her gaze shift and immediately pulls their hands apart.

She looks back into his eyes and he sees tears. His eyes widen and he shakes his head slowly, urging her to keep staring back. Instead, she turns to the altar and walks forwards before standing behind the bride.

Time passes incredibly slow as he stares at her, waiting for her to look back, waiting to gaze into her eyes. She doesn't and the ceremony finishes before she is pulled off with the rest of the bridesmaids and he stands up before anyone else. Rose pulls him down and he stares in the direction that Meredith went.

"Where's the party?" He asks nervously.
"This way." She smiles, pulling him down the beach.
He follows her eagerly and they laugh as they stumble onto a grassy clearing overlooking the water.
"I don't see anyone." He says curiously before she puts her arms around his neck. She giggles and tiptoes to meet his lips. He chuckles and wraps her with his arms, as his lips pressed hers.

"What grade are you in?" She asks.
"I'm a senior. You are a junior, I believe." He says calmly.
"Sophomore." She corrects.
"Ah, sorry." He says sarcastically.
"You should be." She scoffs, running her fingers through his raven curls until he groans softly.

"No fair." He chuckles nervously as he watches the people disperse on the beach.
"It's not." She agrees.
"All the people are going that way." He points.
"Yeah. But we are going this way." She says, pulling him down the other side of the beach. He pulls back and holds her cheeks.

"We should go that way. Your parents might look for you."
"We should. But I want... to be alone with you." She says softly.
"Rose, come on. Let's go." He sighs.
"Only if you do something for me." She giggles.
"What is it?" He asks.
"Kiss me. Like at the library. Kiss me like that." She asks.
"Okay." He nods and pecks her nose before taking a deep breath.

She leans up and he plunges her lips into hers, grabbing her top lip with his and sucking at them. She moans into his mouth and his hands carefully move down her body. Hearing a twig crack, he looks up. his smile dropping into a nervous face. Rose's hands are wrapped around him and his hands are on her waist.

Meredith stares at them, tears inking her skin as he leans up and stands straight. He lets his hands fall off Rose and breathes heavily as he stares.

"Who are you?" Rose asks.
"Meredith Grey." She replies.
"Leave, Meredith Grey." Rose shrugs.
Before he can speak, Meredith turns and walks back down the hill.

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