Chapter 31

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15 Years Later

He sat at the back of the bar, holding his scotch tightly as he looked around. His vision was blurred from how many drinks he had but he didn't care. It was a good day for drinking, the combination of his wife cheating on him and his best friend betraying him was just magnificent. Bringing the glass to his lips, he downed the drink and sighed as he watched the people in the bar. There was a couple on the other side, making out passionately. They made him want to throw up or maybe it wasn't them. Closing his eyes, he put his glass down.

"I will find you. I promise." He whispers shakily, pressing his forehead to hers. His fingers are tangled in her blonde curls and hers are holding his jaw.
"I love you, Derek." She nods, sniffing and he smiles.
"I love you too." He nods, pressing his lips into hers.

"Tequila" His eyes snap open as he hears a voice.
"You are going to be sorry in the morning," Joe replies.
"I'm always sorry in the morning." The woman replies, making Derek sit up against the chair. He listened to her giggles and a chill ran down his back. He couldn't see her clearly but she was beautiful from what he could tell. Her figure was so enchanting and she was wearing a black dress with straps. He stood and grabbed his cup before walking around her to the bar.

"Double scotch single malt please." He asked, placing his glass on the table and sitting beside her. She turns her head and her hair flips back as he looks at the half-finished shot of tequila then to her face.

"So, is this a good place to hang out?" He asks curiously as she looks around idly and clears her throat.
"I wouldn't know. Never been here before." She shrugs.
"Ah, you know what- I haven't either!" He exclaims, feeling a rush of warm air down his back.
"First time here, I'm new in town. Never been to Seattle, but I got a job so..." He trails as he sits beside her and holds his drink, facing her and waiting for a response. His lips scrunch together and he sighs.

"You're ignoring me." He says.
"I'm trying to." She replies.
"You shouldn't ignore me." He shakes his head.
"Why not?" She asks.
"Because I'm someone you need to get to know to love." He says calmly, feeling comfortable in this stranger's presence.
"Really?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.
"Oh yes." He responds.
"So if I know you, I'll love you?" She asks.
"Oh yes!" He nods, grinning.
"You really like yourself, huh?" She notices.
"Just hiding my pain." She shrugs, making her laugh.

He freezes for a moment, listening to the sweet sound before joking with her and chuckling for a moment.
"So, what's your story?" He asks softly.
"I don't have a story, I'm just a girl in a bar." She shrugs.
"I'm just a guy in a bar." He nods before taking a long sip of his drink.

She simply stares at him, wondering why he was so familiar. Her gaze rests on his crooked nose and then at his lips. Unknowingly, she moves closer till his hand raises and rests on her cheek. She leans in more and locks their lips before feeling a shock run down her spine. He grunts quietly and runs his hand past her jaw and to the nape of her neck, pulling her closer. Her hand holds his knee and moves upwards slowly.

"Hmhmm." Joe coughs, hinting at them to leave.
She giggles and he lets go of her before she stands up and grabs her purse. Derek hands the bartender and twenty-dollar bill and looks towards her as he stands. Her arms are on his chest and his are wrapped around hers as she leans into his ear.

"Do you want to get out of here?" She asks quietly, gently biting his ear and kissing his jaw. He laughs and pulls her forwards towards the coat rack. They leave the house and she hands him her keys. The doors of the bar slam shut as the bells ring but they don't pay attention. Running to the car, he gets in and starts driving to the address on her wallet. He speeds down the highway and she leans into his neck, leaving soft kisses on it before grazing it with her teeth. He groans at the red light but stops before turning to her. Their lips touch and he leans forward, pushing her back as his tongue tangles with hers.

"To the right. Last house on the street." She moans as the light turns green. He sharply turns and her hand rests on him while she stares at the large bulge in his pants. He pulls into her driveway and they both get out of the car before he picks her up and wraps his arms around her tightly.

She moans softly and wraps her legs around his torso as he sits her on the car. He attacks her lips hungrily as he touches her thigh, wrapping around his and grinding against her. Her hands are tangled in his thick raven locks and their tongues are sloppily licking every piece of flesh on each other's lips. He gasps as his hand rests on her panties to feel them soaked. Their lips pull away and they pant against each other.

He stares into her eyes and grips the waistband on her panties before pulling it down her legs. She locks her arms around his neck and moans against his lips. He picked her up and walked up the steps before opening her door. There was something about this woman and he wanted her, badly.

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