Chapter 21

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He quickly puts on the playing gear and smiles to himself as he glances at himself in the mirror. He loved skating and playing hockey. As he left, a man bumped into him and he fell back before catching himself against the wall.
"Sorry I wasn't paying attention." Derek shrugs as the guy walks past him and doesn't look towards him. He ignores the encounter and walked out of the locker room, towards Meredith.

She looks so adorable on the bleachers, sitting with a notebook on her lap and a look of curiosity on her face. Her nose is scrunched as she writes something and squints her eyes, determining whether she wrote it properly or not. Something about her makes him grin wider today. Maybe it was her earrings, she didn't wear them often but she liked them. Or perhaps it was the way her hair was styled, down instead of a ponytail. He walks to her and smiles as she turns to him.

There is a familiar sparkle in her emerald green eyes, making him let out a breath of astonishment. He jumps up and sits beside her as the couches call out other boys to try out.

"Derek, you have no reason to be nervous. I know you'll do amazing." She says softly, placing a hand on his. He looks down at her hand and laces their fingers.
"I'm not nervous." He shakes his head as he watches her thumb run over the back of his hand.
"You are." She nods.
"How do you know?" He asks.
"You are biting your lips." She says calmly. squeezing his hand and resting her head on his shoulder.

He breathes out and lets his head fall against hers. They sit for around half an hour as all the players get tried out and his grip around her hand tightens every time someone gets a compliment.

"Derek Shepherd?!" The coach shouts, making them pull apart. "Right here, sir!" He calls as he jumps down.
"Derek, you can do this. Any time you need, I'll be watching you." She says, quickly getting down and wrapping her arms around his gear. He lifts her and breathes heavily as she kisses his temple. She nods, grabbing his helmet, standing on her tiptoes and pushing it over his head, and clicking it on his jaw.

"Meredith..." He says nervously.
"Yeah?" She asks.
Kiss me, please.
"Thank you... for being here." He nods.
She smiles warmly and squeezes his hand one more time.

"If only you were this muscular without your gear." She rolls her eyes making him chuckle. She laughs as he nods walks into the rink. She blows him a kiss and he twirls in the ice before jumping up and closing his fist in the air. She nods as he places his hand on his chest and smiles.
"Woo! Derek!" She shouts making him laugh as he skates more.

"Derek Shepherd, a Senior, played hockey a few times. You're on the team." The coach reads from his clipboard.
"What?" Derek asks.
"You're on the team." The coach repeats.
"Sir, I didn't even try out-" He starts.
"There's no need, Mr. Hendrix wants you in the team so you'll be in the team." The coach yawns before pointing to the end of the rink and urging him to leave.
"Mr. Hendrix?" Derek asks.
"I have people to test Shepherd. The period is almost over." He says loudly, staring into Derek's face.
"Yes. Sir." He nods, walking out of the rink and into the locker room.

He pulls out his phone and his jaw clenches seeing a text from Rose that is on the screen. It is a cat gif and he rolls his eyes.

Did you like my gift?

He stares at the emojis as he takes off the gear. A hockey stick, an ice cube, a man in a suit, and a checkmark. He pulls on his shirt and shoves his phone into his pocket. Rose had told her dad about his tryouts. Mr. Hendrix did love Derek but he only did things when Rose asked. Derek kicks the lockers making the sound echo in the locker room.

"How was it?!" Meredith asks excitedly.
"I'm in." He replies in a low voice before walking past her and grabbing his messenger bag. She watches curiously as he places it over his shoulders and walks out of the stadium, letting the door slam behind him. She pulls on her bag and walks out the doors before looking around for him but not finding him.

"Meredith, it's been a long time hasn't it?" A voice says as he walks forward. Her feet stop moving at the sound of his voice and she shivers as her toes curl.
"Go away." She says weakly.
"Come on, we had a lot of fun." He laughs.
She starts to walk away but he grabs her arm, pulling her to him.

"Finn, let me go." She says harshly.
"One kiss. I'll let you go." He nods.
"In your dreams, you psychopath." She seethes.
"Is that the way to speak to your first boyfriend?" He tuts.
"Leave me alone!" She says quietly, trying to get him to release his grip on her wrist.

"You're friend can't save you now." He chuckles, pinning her against a wall and mashing his lips into hers. She fights back forcefully and he pulls away nodding as he licks his lips.
"I told you that I'd let you go after one kiss." He scoffs.
"That was one." She seethes.
He tuts again and laughs maniacally.

"Let her go." They both turn to the right and see a tall guy with slicked back, dark-brown hair, and tawny skin. Finn's hands leave her and he walks past the guy who sticks out his foot and trips Finn. He smiles politely at Meredith and holds out his hand. She studies him for a while, trying to make out his intentions.

"Who are you?" She asks abruptly.
"Nathan Riggs." He nods.
She looks at his hand and then at Finn as he walks away and back at Nathan's face.
"Thank you." She nods, clinging to her bag and walking away.

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