Chapter 42

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Okay okay Eew He stands at the doors of his house anlooks at his watch. It was late, almost midnight and he bent down, picking up the key from beneath the door. His heart jumped as he slid it into the hole and twisted it.

"Let go!" She squeals as he chuckles.
"Never Mrs. Montgomery-Shepherd!" He laughs.
He opens the door and kicks off his shoes as she slips out of his hands and quickly unzips her wedding dress. He only grins wider as she leans in and kisses his lips.

He opens the door and sighs as he hangs his coat on the hanger and places his briefcase on the couch. Kicking off his shoes by the door, he walks into the kitchen where Addison turns. Her eyes widen and he lets out a shaky breath as he moves closer. She runs into his arms and they instinctively pull her closer as his lips press into her head. She pulls away slowly and he steps back before smiling weakly.

"You came back." She breathes.
"Yeah, I came back." He nods.
"Are you hungry? Because I have-" She starts.
"No, that's alright. I ate on the plane." He yawns.
"Oh okay. Do you want to just... go to bed?" She asks.
"Yeah. Come with me?" He asks.
"Mhmm." She nods hugging his torso and walking up the stairs with him. He stopped at their bedroom and looked inside to see different sheets that she had replaced them with. She walks forward and he stays outside the door, their fingers locked and huge distance between them.

He stares at the line underneath the doorway that separates the master bedroom and the hallway for a moment before taking a deep breath and stepping in. He pulls her back and laces their fingers before walking slowly with her.

"Do want to go to bed or..." She starts.
"Sleep." He replies, opening their closet and walking in.
"Alright." She responds, walking to the other side of the room and into the master bathroom. He changes into his boxers and goes into the bathroom as she walks into the closet, pulling on an oversized shirt and a pair of her spandex shorts. They both meet at opposite sides of the bed and she watches him slip into the blankets before crawling into his arms.

He gently runs his fingers through her hair and stops as he gets to a tangle, making her wince. She leans over him and he stares into her deep grey eyes before holding his breath.
"What are you thinking?" She asks, running her fingers down his cheek as he flinches and turns away.

"You." He says softly as she puts her hand down.
"Me." He continues, lifting his to her cheek and holding it.
"Us." He finishes, stroking gently.

"I've been thinking about that too." She nods, making him smile weakly and let out a tear from the corners of his eyes.
"Is he better?" Derek asks.
"What? Who... Mark-?" She asks, her eyes widening.
"I'm just trying to figure out why you chose him." He says softly.
"No... he's not. I love you." She shakes her head as he sits up against the headboards, making her sit next to him.
"It was just that once... right?" He asks quietly.
She reaches out and grabs his hand, rubbing it slowly as he turns his head to hers and stares into her eyes, waiting for a response.

"Yeah. Just that once." She nods.
"And uhm, I need to know if you-" He pauses and swallows nervously, "Were you going to tell me?"
"I don't know." She shakes her head and he lets out a sharp breath.
"Right." He nods, "Okay."
"I missed you." She whispers in his ear.
"Me too." He agrees, leaning in to kiss her.

His phone buzzes on the nightstand and he pulls away quickly.
"It's probably the hospital." He says before getting out of the bed and grabbing his phone before walking out of the room and into the hallway. He smiles as he sees her contact and immediately picks up.

"Hey Derek." She says softly making him smile.
"Hi. Hey, Meredith. How are you?" He asks.
"Did you get to your hotel yet?" She asks.
"Mhm. Yeah." He chuckles nervously.
"What are you doing?"
"I am, uhm... making coffee."
"Hmm, sounds nice. What flavor?"
"Black, plain. No cream or sugar. What are you doing?" He asks almost laughing as he walks down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"I'm thinking about getting a dog." She giggles.
"Oh, you know what-? I love dogs." He laughs as he grabs coffee.
"Then you can see him when you come back. In six days."
"I cannot wait." He says, yawning.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You're probably tired."
"Well, yes. But I still want to talk to you." He chuckles.
"That's okay. Call me when you get up okay?" She asks.
"I promise." He nods.
"Good night." She laughs.
"Yeah, Good night! Sweet dreams." He nods before hearing her hang up, "I... think I love you."

He sighs and looks at her contact before smiling and frowning. This is how he felt about Addison in Seattle and it was torture. Placing his phone face-down on the marble counter, he walks upstairs and leans on the doorway, seeing Addison asleep already.

His lips curve upwards and he slides into the bed behind her, making her stir and open her eyes. She smiles and crawls into his grip, her back comfortable against his chest as he tosses an arm over her.

"I'm really sorry." She whispers as he kisses her cheek.
"We'll get past it. We are Derek and Addison." He says, trying to convince himself more than Addison.
"Yeah... we are." She nods.
"Good night." He mumbles.
"Sweet dreams honey." She whispers.

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