Chapter 11

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He laughs and places his hands on her waist before pushing his lips into hers. They are hard and firm against his and she tastes like vanilla. Her tongue runs over his lips and he feels her mouth open. Sucking on her top lip, he wraps his arms around her while she moans. Her arms are at her sides and he groans in slight frustration. His hands move to hers and he brings her hands to his head. Tangling her hands in his hair, she lets him pin her to the bookshelf. Her fingers tug at his hair and he pulls away gasping for air.

"Are you alright?" She asks as she breathes heavily, still running her fingers through Derek's hair.
"Mhmm. Keep doing that." His eyes are closed and he sighs in pleasure as she pulls. His hands move on her waist, gripping it.
"Kiss my neck." She whispers, her breath running up his jaw.
He smiles and bends down, meeting her neck with his lips. He listens to her as she tugs at his hair. Her skin is sweet and smells like vanilla. He runs his tongue along her neck, following it with kisses.

"Shepherd?" They turn their heads towards the voice and he stands up straight as he sees the professor watching him.
"Sir." He says as he backs away from Rose.
Derek watches as he turns around and follows the professor down the hall after apologizing to Rose.
"Is this what you do?" He asks.
"It's not what I do," Derek replies.
"You didn't come off as that kind of student."
"I'm not that kind of student. I just..." He starts.
"You just what? This is where those kinds of students start. I trusted you to be better." The teacher says.
"I'm better. I promise. It's just complicated." He says defensively.
"Are you quitting the play?" The professor asks.
Derek goes silent and the teacher scoffs.

"I have known that little girl all of her life. And I know when she talks to somebody, she cares for them." The teacher says.
"I know Mr. Webber." He nods, immediately regretting it
"It is 'Sir' to you!" He yells.
"I understand that she cares Sir." He nods.
"Are you quitting the play?" He repeats.
"No. I told you I would act and I will. More importantly, I promised her that I would." Derek agrees.
"There was promise in you Shepherd." He says walking away.
"Sir! There still is! I'll make it up to you! To her!" He shouts.

"Is everything okay?" Rose asks.
"Yeah." Everything is fine." He says through gritted teeth.
"Come here." She tugs on his arm and pulls him back.
Derek walks back with her and lets her push him against the shelves before kissing him. He feels guilty as Rose kisses his neck but he can't pull away. Her arms are locked around his neck and his are gently rubbing her waist.

It's nothing like Meredith though. Her lips were soft, silky, and sweet. Her breath was minty all the time and her fair skin was so attractive.

"I have to go, it's my mother." Rose sighs as she pulls away.
"What?" He shakes his head in confusion.
"My mother texted me. She's waiting outside for me." She says.
"Okay." He nods before she steps back.
"Do you want to hang out later?" She asks.
"Uhm... yeah. Sure, whatever." He mumbles.
"Yeah?" She asks, locking their fingers and pulling him off the bookshelf before kissing his lips again.
"Okay... what do you want to do?" He asks as they walk out of the library into the courtyard.
"Do you have a suit?" She asks.
"I think so." He nods.
"Well, then you are coming with me tonight to the hotel by the water. There is going to be a wedding there tomorrow. The parties are tonight and you can be back by 11 on Sunday." She says.
"Alright. I'll be your plus one I guess." He shrugs unemotionally.
"Great! See you there." She squeals, kissing him again.
"Bye." He waves as she runs to a car and gets in.

He walks home slowly, feeling empty and bored. Hearing a dog barking, he glances up and smiles seeing Meredith.
"Hey!" He says loudly, running up to her.
"Hi." She whispers.
"I wanted to talk to you." He says, feeling hot.
"About?" She asks as the puppy bites the edge of his jeans.
"Well... the play and school." He nods as he kneels and lets it lick his face as he looks up at her.
"What about the play?" She asks.
"Webber seems to care a lot about you." Derek sighs as he stands up and smirks.
"My mom and him are dating. Secretly. They don't know I know." She shrugs as he looks up into the bright sun.
"Do you want to go up and practice our lines?" He asks.
"I'm already off-book." She says nonchalantly.

"Oh. Well, I- we can... watch a movie or something. It is incredibly hot out here and I heard that they are playing your favorite at the air-conditioned theater downtown." He chuckles nervously and nods.
"Harry Potter and the-" She starts.
"Prisoner of Azkaban." He finishes.
"How did you know my favorite Harry Potter movie?" She asks.
"You have the whole series in the bookshelf on the right wall of your room but you put the Prisoner of Azkaban on display." He answers, blushing hard.
"I don't think I can today. Maybe another time." She says softly before walking away with the dog.

His phone rings and he picks up curiously, not recognizing the caller ID.
"Hello?" He asks.
"Derek! It's Rose." A soft voice makes him sigh.
"Hey Rose, what are you doing?" He asks awkwardly.
"I'm packing." She giggles.
"Oh, for what?" He asks.
"The wedding? You can still make it right?" She asks worriedly.
"The wedding! Right! Yeah. I can." He exclaims nervously.
"I'll pick you up in three hours okay?" She asks.
"How do you know where I live?" He asks scared.
"This is Maine. Everyone knows where you live." She replies before hanging up.

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