Chapter 33

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"So... I have to diagnose Katie?" Derek asks.
"Yes." The old, bald man replies.
"That's it?" He asks.
"Is that a problem?" The man asks.
"No. I'll just have to find things to do with my free time." Derek shrugs and looks towards the door of the hallway before freezing. The paper drops from his hand and smiles as the woman walks away, rushed by seeing him.
"Are you alright?" The man asks.
"Yes, I'll meet you in her room in an hour." Derek nods before placing the chart on the counter.

He races after her, his heart thumping hard against his chest as he grabs her arm and pulls her into the stairwell. She immediately looks around, not meeting his eyes. He stares at the name on the lab coat. Dr. Meredith Grey. His hand moves slowly to hers and she finally reads his lab coat. Dr. Derek Shepherd. Her fingers push into his palm, their breaths shaking.

He was Derek. Her first boyfriend Derek, the first person she had said those words to. She leans up and he presses her body against the railing, his lips dry. He worries about his breath, he hadn't had time to floss today... what if she noticed?

"We shouldn't." She says, tilting her head down and placing her hands on his chest. He pulls back and sighs softly making himself more desperate. "You're my boss. It isn't allowed." She shakes her head and steps away and before he pulls her back.

She wraps her arms around his neck and he holds her waist, gripping her tightly. She smiles and breathes shakily against his neck as his lips push against her head. The flower scent fills his lungs and smiles.

"Let me take you out." He says as they pull away.
"I can't." She shakes her head and he sighs.
"Please." He asks.
"We can't." She says softly before pulling away from him and walking away.

He lets out a deep breath and walks up to the chief's office as he runs his fingers through his hair. He knocks and taps his foot rapidly till it opened.

"Derek!" The old man smiled and welcomed him into the office.
"Hey, Richard." He nods and walks into the office, sitting on the couch as Richard pulls up a chair.
"How is your first day?" The chief asks.
"The workload has significantly decreased," Derek says.
"Any second thoughts?!" Richard jokes.
"No. I was just wondering about the dating policy." He laughs.
"Dating policy?" Richard asks.
"Well, yes. There were people-" He starts lying.
"Having relations with a higher employee results in termination to both unless one of them is an attending." Richard smiles.
"Oh. Alright." Derek nods, getting up and heading for the door.
"How's Addison?" Richard asks.
"Good. She's good. Calls me every night to tell me she misses me and she loves me. I think this vacation is really good for her though. After the baby, she needs a break." He sighs lying blatantly.

"I'll see you around then," Richard says softly.
"Yeah." Derek sighs before smiling.
He walks out of the room and sighs as he sees Meredith walking to an on-call room. He wants to follow her but his phone buzzes. Picking up, he walks outside and reads his wife's caller ID.

"What do you want?" He asks rudely.
"Come back, Derek. Please." Addison begs.
"You slept with my best friend." He groans frustratedly.
"Please, baby. I love you-" She starts making him roll his eyes and snap his phone shut.

Remembering Meredith, he walks into the same on-call room and sees her sleeping soundly, wrapped in the deep red blankets while clutching a pillow to her chest. He smiles gently and climbs up to the top bunk before laying on his back and staring at the ceiling. He plugs in his headphones and plays the clash, letting himself overthink what he had seen in his bedroom.

Mark; his best friend inside on top of his wife. In his bed, and his used-to-be favorite Italian Sheets. With, the paisleys, the perfect independently embroidered paisleys. He feels the bed press down and turns to the side to see Meredith smiling, her chin resting on the mattress. He laughs before moving over and pulling the headphones from his ears. Immediately he blushes, realizing that she can hear it playing quietly.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" He asks softly, moving over.
"It's okay. I had to get up anyway." She nods, heaving herself up to sit beside him and smiling.
"I talked to the chief." He smiles, stopping the music.
"About?" She asks.
"Dating Policies." He replies, sitting up beside her.
"Why would you be-" She starts, turning her head.

His hand rests on her jaw and his lips rest on hers softly, not pressing hard but being light and sweet. She breathes in sharply and he pulls away slowly, breathing heavily against her lips. A smile spreads across his face and she sighs.

"I..." She starts as he licks his lips, taking in the taste of her sweet lipgloss. It was perfectly delicious, honey tasting, and made him smile.

"If an attending is dating an intern, the intern will be terminated. I read the rules." She whispers.
"An attending is not dating an intern. Not yet. We can figure it out right?" He asks.
"We should just... not." She sighs.

He leans in and locks their lips again, breathing heavily and this time letting his tongue line her lips. She holds the v-neck of his scrubs before opening her mouth and letting her tongue in. He groans quietly as he smiles and runs her fingers through the ends of her hair.

"No one has to know. It could be just the two of us, having fun. I don't say anything to anyone and neither do you. It'll be perfect and amazing and great." He says after pulling away.
"Let me think about it okay?" She asks.
"Okay." He chuckles.

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