Chapter 32

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He smiles as he shuts the door with the tip of his foot and kicks off his shoes before pressing her to the door. She giggles as he playfully bites her lips and chuckles deeply. The heels leave her feet and he smiles as her fingers tug his collar before pulling him down. His arms reach around her and slowly unzip her dress, running his fingertips down her soft skin.

She moans into his mouth and unbuttons his shirt as he pulls his belt off, tossing it. He picks her up again and walks to the couch to his right before laying her on it. She pulls him with her and he laughs as he drops her dress on the ground with a couch pillow.

She smelled like some kind of flower, sweet and potent while her skin tasted sweet. His tongue continues dancing with her while her legs wrap around his torso and push his jeans down. He kicks them off desperately as his lips trail to her neck, ravenous and eager for more of her.

"Shit, condom." He whispers into her neck.
She reaches around and opens the drawer of the side table and hands him a packet before moaning. He breathes out heavily and rips it open, sliding it on his member. The plastic lights up and she stares in awe.

"Glow in the dark huh?" He murmurs leaning against her.
"Mhmm." She nods as he pushes himself into her.
"Oh, my god..." He whispers as she wraps her legs around his torso and his fingers are tugging at his raven locks. She smiles as his hands reach around her and unclasp her bra before letting it drop on the floor.

His body was so large against hers and normally, she would be scared, but this time it was different. She didn't know what it was but he felt comfortable, good.

His tongue wraps around her tips and sucks hard, his eyes squeezed shut to feel everything. She sighs in pleasure and he groans as he thrusts forwards.

Her breathes get heavier and he feels him close before thrusting one more time. They both let out a loud moan and he pulls out of her before taking off the condom. He is panting as she lunges over him, sucking at his seed as he lets it spill out.

When they're done, they lay against each other, panting and rubbing each other's sore limbs. He yawns and leans into her lips.
"Good night." He whispers before closing his eyes.
She murmurs incoherently and nods, nuzzling against his chest. He pulls a blanket from the couch and pulls it over them before falling asleep.

5 hours later

She yawns as she gets up on the couch looks at the clock. She would be late today and she hated it. Quickly, she pulled the blanket off the stranger and smiles gently seeing his ass. He doesn't wake up and she drops a pillow on him, shaking him awake.

"This is..." He starts, reaching out and holding her bra up.
"Humiliating on so many levels. You have to go." She says.
"Why don't you just come back down here and we'll pick up where we left off?" He asks as she tosses his jeans on the couch.

"No, seriously, you have to go. I'm late, which isn't what you want to be on your first day." She says strictly as he stands up in his white boxer briefs.
"So, you actually live here." He chuckles.
"No, yes, kind of."
"It's nice, a little dusty, odd but it's nice... so how do you 'kind of' live here?" He asks as he pulls on his jeans and looks around.
"I moved two weeks ago from Boston. It was my mother's house, I'm selling it." She explains as he listens tentatively.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He says as he buckles his belt.
"For what?" She asks.
"You said 'was'" He points out.
"Oh, my mothers is not dead. She- you know what, we don't have to do the thing." She smiles.
"Oh, we can do anything you want." He says.
"No, exchange the details, pretend we care." She explains making him grin and chuckle softly. He pulls on his red shirt and smiles.
"Look, I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower. Okay, and when I get back down here, you won't be here." She smiles.

"So goodbye... uhm..." She starts.
"Derek." He responds, making her freeze.
"Derek, right. Meredith." She laughs as he pauses for a moment before reaching his hand out. She shakes it and he steps over the couch as he lets go and runs up the stairs.
"Bye Derek." She smiles.

He watches her in awe and sighs contently before stepping out of her house and ordering a cab. As he waits, he thinks hard about the woman. She couldn't be his 'Mer'. There was no way she was. He rubbed his eyes, trying to wash away his drunkenness. She probably wasn't even named Meredith and had just said it at random. There were millions of people with the same name.

He couldn't be Derek, could he? She let the water run over her skin, the chill waking her up and making her more alert. Her legs were sore, her arms were too. She didn't remember much from the night before but she had been so awkward this morning. Still, she was convinced that they had never met before. Many people were named Derek.

He couldn't help himself as he put Grey into the google search bar of his phone. Many medical documents showed up and pictures of Meredith's more but none of her. He remembered that she didn't love her mother anyway. He cleared his mind as the cab dropped him off at Joe's. His car was cold and he drove back to his trailer as he thought about the night before.

The sex... had been perfect. Better than Meredith. He didn't want to admit it, but it was true. Whoever his other Meredith was, she was good. He found himself thinking about her all morning as he was introduced to the hospital staff and put on his first case.

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