Chapter 4

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"It's you." They both blurt out breathlessly as he stands up.

Her eyes are bright and he looks deep into them, reminiscing the night before. Remember her arms and legs bare, but he patiently stares into her eyes. He can somehow see a whole world in them. His breathing stops again and the nauseous feeling fills his stomach as his heart races.

She gasps quietly and clings to her bag, desperately needing to hold on to something in the world that spins around her. Everything blurs till it's just her and him. Seeing his intense, blue oceans for eyes, makes her cheeks redden. Butterflies fill her stomach and rise her throat, just waiting to escape her mouth.

"You've met?" The principal asks.
"Yes." She nods.
"Yeah." He agrees.
"So, you can show him around?" The principal asks.
"Yes. Right, come with me." She replies as he steps closer to her.
He nods as she grabs his hand and pulls him out of the office.

"What- where are you taking me?" He stammers as she pulls him out of the building and into a smaller one "What are we doing here?" He asks as he looks around at the library.

"Shh." The librarian walks up to them and he sighs, knowing exactly why she brought him to a place where they couldn't speak. He wouldn't know what to say to her if he was allowed to open his mouth. His fingers were locked in hers and she was staring at them in awe of how good it felt.

He had never held a girl's hand before but was fascinated by her slender fingers in his, how his hands fit perfectly with hers and sent soft shocks up his forearm. His lips curve upwards gently and he frowns as she pulls her hand away swiftly.

They walk slowly through the library while he takes in her beauty. Every piece of him is enthralled by her as she grabs a step stool and stands on it easily. She pulls out three books and drops them in his hands. He reads the titles and rolls his eyes.

"I've read all these." He whispers.
His voice is deep and clear making her breath hitch. She had assumed that he was a dumb jock but he wasn't.
"Read them again. You need them AP English." She says.
Her voice is clear and he smiles as she speaks her mind.

"I will." He nods as she stands on her tiptoes. He watches her touch the bottom of the second to last shelf and breathes out, spellbound. Tugging on her jeans, he pulls her down.

"Let me." He says as he moves the stand and takes her things, placing them on the table. He hangs his bag on a chair and leaves his books before walking to her and kneeling. "Be quick. I can't hold you forever."

Putting his hands out, he flattens them out and carefully and nods.
"What makes you think I would trust you for this?" She whispers.
"You want your book? I'm here to help you." He chuckles.
"You drop me and I swear I'll kill you." She says.
"I won't." He reassures.

She sighs and holds his shoulders, adjusting her foot in his hands. Lifting her easily she reaches the top of the bookshelf and gasps quietly at his gentleness. Picking out two of the books, she glances down and nods.

"I'm going to drop you and I'll catch you okay?" He asks. She shakes her head in fear and he drops her. She has no time to scream as she falls and his hands grip her waist hard. His fingers are pressing into her sides as he trips forward, catching himself just before he crashes into her. Her breathes are heavy and his hands are still holding her waist. She feels his warm exhales on her cheek, then her neck. It sends a cold chill down her back and she smiles gently.

"Hey, stranger." He chuckles lightly into her ear and his voice is low, deep, almost husky. His hands slide off of her body and he steps back. She turns and meets his eyes wanting to feel her on his waist.

"Hey." She blushes and he feels his own cheeks redden as she clutches her books to her chest. His fingers wrap around the top of the book and he pulls it from her grasp, leaving her finger grasping a ghost copy. He glances down at the book and grins.

"Romeo and Juliet huh?" He whispers.
"What's wrong with it?" She asks defensively.
"I prefer Julius Caesar. More bloodshed and your love story doesn't die at the end." He says softly.
"There is barely any love in Julius Caesar. The men are misogynistic." She glances down at the book and takes it from his hand, holding it to her chest again.
"Men are always misogynistic... in Shakespeare." He nods.

The bell rings making him smile. Pulling back, She grabs her books and hands him his. He smiles and nods, following her out of the building and down the campus into a different one.

"The science is to your right and the history to your left. Keep up." She orders as she sprints up the stairs. He nods, running up with her. "The math classes are above science and English is above history. At the end of the hallway, there is a theatre. Lunch is wherever you want it to be." She speaks fast and he nods.

At the end of the day, her voice is more strained from explaining every social event and Holliday to him. Even though she felt extremely flushed around him, she couldn't want to be close to him. If her mother found out, she would probably move her away. But still, she yearned for his hands on her again. They were almost as warm as his breath and had a comforting touch to them.

"Anything else?" She asks.
"One thing." He nods.
"What's your name?" He asks as the final bell of the day rings.
Everyone pours out of the classrooms and he stares in awe at the liveliness of the students.
"I have to go." She says hurriedly, looking at the clock tower across the campus. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him.
"Don't leave. I can't just think of you as the girl from the window anymore." He protests.
"Meredith Grey." She says as he holds her waist tightly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Meredith." He says softly into her ear before watching her walk away frantically.

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