Chapter 34

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"Last night wasn't dating right?" She asks quietly.
"No, I don't think so why-?" He gets cut off as she lunges on top of him, pushing her lips into his mouth and resting her hands on his thighs. She moans as his tongue reciprocates hers and leaves saliva in her mouth. They hear the doorknob and they turn on their sides. His body is so large compared to hers that she hides inside his chest.

"Shit! The chief of neurosurgery is in here." The voice of a young man echoes in their ears as he stares into her eyes. She smiles and bites her lips before leaning closer and licking their lips. He wants to do so many things but he can't move. His tongue meets hers silently and she sucks slowly. Her fingers snake to his chin and run over his stubbly jaw.

"What should we do?" A woman asks.
"He's asleep, he won't notice." The man suggests.
"No. He's not catching me have sex with you." The woman says.
"I don't care about the rules. We are both residents, they can't fire anyone from the residencies." He protests.
"I love you." They hear the woman whisper as they pull away.
"I love you too." The man replies as Derek's phone rings.

They hear the people leave the room and he grabs his phone as they both explode in laughter. Seeing the caller ID as his wife, he stops and silences his phone.

"What was that?" She asks, rubbing his jaw.
"Just an update on Katie, my patient." He lies, feeling his stomach flip as she frowns slowly.
"I'm sorry." She whispers against his lips making him smile weakly as he puts an arm around her and pulls her closer.
"It's okay." He sighs before leaning down and pecking her softly.

"Yes." She says almost silently, as though she is still debating it.
"Yes, what?" He asks.
"Yes. I will let you take me to dinner." She nods.
"You will?" He chuckles, surprised.
"It can't be a date though." She says softly.
"Right. Right, sure. Not a date." He nods, a sharp smile sprouting from his lips to his eyes.

"Derek..." She starts as he finds her fingers with his.
"Hmm... yes Mer?" He asks while he untangles their fingers and trails them to her chin.
"Thank you, for finding me." She whispers.
He traces her face before tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear before leaning down and locking their lips slowly. She smiles as he grabs her waist and lifts her on top of him.

"Mhm." He groans softly as she cuddles into his chest.
"Where do you want to go for dinner?" He asks.
"You can come to my place and I'll order Chinese." She smiles and as her pager rings. Surprised, she shakes and he nods as she gets off him.

"Who is it?" He asks.
"911 Katie." She says rushed.
"What?!" He exclaims as she kisses his lips and sprints out of the room in the direction of their room.

They both run into her room and he backs away before smiling, letting her handle the situation. She is frozen as she watches the nurses and his breath hitches in his throat. He watches as she just stands there, watching the nurses move rapidly as Katie codes. Pushing off the wall, he stands beside her and brushes her fingers with his.

She runs towards the tangle of nurses by the bed and shocks Katie three times before making him smile. As she puts the paddles down, she walks to him. He locks their fingers for a moment and stares into her eyes before freezing. They are red and he can see her struggling to breathe. She quickly let's go and runs out of the room as Bailey enters.

"Bailey. Stay with her." He demands pointing at Katie before leaving the room after Meredith. Running outside he sees her leaning on a tree and bent over, coughing. Quickly, he pulls her hair back and holds it in a loose ponytail as she throws up into the grass. He pulls out a tissue from his lab coat and wipes her mouth carefully, making sure not to leave anything on her lips.

"You... ass!" She shouts as she catches her breath.
"Me?!" He asks innocently.
"You were standing there and watching me screw up!" She yells as he follows her.
"You weren't screwing up, you were observing the situation. You were thinking. Most doctors just jump without running through all the possibilities in their heads. You don't." He says, squeezing her hands calmly.
"You were there, you could have taken over." She protests.
"It's called teaching." He sighs pulling her into his arms.

She wraps her arms around his torso and buries her head into his chest before sighing. He smells woodsy and has a light scent of spearmint toothpaste still hung onto him. He pulls away and smiles as he strokes her cheeks with his thumbs.

"I have a spare toothbrush in my office. You can use it." He smiles, pulling out his keys.
"What is that?" She asks as she catches something blue that falls from his pocket.
He immediately blushes and looks up to her as she laughs.
"You still have this?" She asks softly.
"Of course I do." He nods taking the scrub cap back.

She sighs and smiles before looking around and tensing himself. She looks at him, her eyebrows furrowing.
"What is it?" She asks.
"You didn't throw up... because of last night?" He asks hesitantly.
"No. Well, I don't think so. I hope not." She says nervously.
"We used a condom but they break." He nods.
"We should check anyway." She nods.
"Meredith... if you are, I can't." He says softly, swallowing nervously before clenching his jaw.
"What are you talking about?" She asks, stepping back.
"If you're... pregnant, I can't do this." He explains slowly.
"Do what?" She asks.
"This... us. I can't be a dad, Meredith." He says miserably.

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