Chapter 24

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"You're so cold." He whispers against her lips.
"And you are so warm." She murmurs quietly.
"We should... get home. It's late." He says, glancing at his watch.
"We should." She nods, turning around to walk back.
She slips on the ice, forgetting that she is on skates and in an ice rink. He quickly grabs her and slips as well. They both fall on the ice and he groans as she collapses on top of him.
"I'm sorry! Are you okay?!" She exclaims, trying to get up and falling on him again while he coughs.
"It's okay. I'm fine. As long as you are alright." He smiles as he sits up and kisses her cheek.

He carefully stands and holds out his hands. She grips them and he nods as she quickly stands. Derek leads her out of the rink and lifts her up as he walks down the ramp and puts her down on the bench. Quickly, he pulls off her skates and hands her sneakers before kicking off his skates. She stands up and her eyes widen.

"It feels different doesn't it?" He asks as he pulls on his shoes and puts their skates away.
"Yes." She nods, walking slowly.
"I don't know if I want to be on the team anymore." He shrugs.
"Oh come on. You're a senior, and you are amazing. You deserve to be on the team." She says as he ducks under the counter and lets her hold his arm as they walk.
"And you, are a freshman." He raises his eyebrows.
"That doesn't mean I can't see talent." She shrugs as they walk out of the school. In the dark, she shivers making him wrap her in his jacket.

"You're mom isn't home?" He asks.
"No." She shakes her head and lets out a deep breath.
"What?" He asks.
"Nothing." She shakes her head.
"It is not nothing." He scoffs.
"He has a wife." She sighs.
"Who?" He asks.
"Webber." She answers. 
"I thought he was dating your mother-" He stops and lets out a deep breath in realization.
"Good night." She sighs, taking off his jacket and turning around.
He pulls her back and move to kiss her lips before she turns away.
"Rose." She says softly, pushing him away and walking to her door and unlocking the door.
"Mer!" He calls as she shuts her front door.

She sighs as she drops her keys into the small fruit bowl, grabbing a banana before walking up the stairs. Opening her bag, she kicks off her shoes and pulls out her homework. The familiar sound of her window sliding up makes her rub her eyes and turn around.

"Don't kick me out. I know I screwed up." He says softly, taking off his shoes and walking behind her chair.
"Yeah. You did." She nods, pulling out a pen and doodling on the margin of her paper.
"I'm sorry." He says.

She grabs her banana and unwraps it halfway before taking a bite. He brings his hands to her shoulders and presses down on her skin. She moans quietly as he massages her shoulders. He watches her try to ignore him and succeed while doing her homework.

"You're tired, get some sleep." He whispers while she writes.
"I can't. Homework." She sighs.
"When's it due?" He asks.
"Next month." She yawns.
"Can't you do it tomorrow?" He pleads.
"Fine." She breathes, getting up and falling into her bed.

"Can I?" He asks softly.
"Sure." She nods hesitantly.
He pulls off his jacket and hangs it on her chair before sliding into the sheets with her. She turns to the wall, away from him and he stares at her.

"I like you." He whispers.
"Yeah?" She asks.
"Mhmm." He nods.
"I like you too." She whispers back.
"Turn around then." He says.
"I can't." She replies.
"Meredith, please. I won't do anything." He claims.
She turns around and he smiles, seeing her so close to him.

"I'm sorry I kissed you." He whispers as he turns on his side.
"I kissed you... and then you started dating Rose." She breathes.
"I wanted to kiss you back. That first time, I wanted to kiss you like today but there are things that stopped me." He sighs.
"And, those things aren't problems anymore?" She asks, not questioning his explanation.
"They are." He says, swallow nervously as she moves closer.
"But, you have Rose." She nods as he reaches his hand to rest on the side of her face.
"I do. And I do, like her. I just couldn't let our first kiss, be about a stupid play about sad teenagers in love." He whispers, stroking her cheek.

"What now?" She asks.
"I can't be more than friends with you. I like you, more than anyone, but I have to speak to Rose and explain everything to her... first." He says softly.
"I'll wait." She smiles making him laugh.
"I want to stay here but, I can't." He yawns.
She gets up with him and he laces their fingers, squeezing tightly. She grabs a sharpie from her desk and picks up a blue-post it. He watches as she writes down a number and hands it him. It's a new one and he pulls out his phone, taking a picture of her and adding a contact. He grabs his jacket and pulls it over his shoulders before sighing contently.

"Come back tomorrow okay?" She asks.
"I will, promise." He nods, pulling on his shoes, opening her window and climbing out.
"Good night Romeo." She smirks, leaning down and pressing her lips to his forehead.
"Sweet dreams Juliet." He chuckles before jumping down and walking across the space between the two houses.
She watches as he climbs up to his window and slips into his room before tossing his clothes in a far-off corner that she can't see. He sits by his windowsill and smiles at her before blowing a kiss her way as she giggles and catches it, holding it to her chest.

The older woman watches the boy in the window and frowns as he blows a kiss to her daughter. Quickly, she grabs a pen and her diary before scribbling:

Meredith and the boy next door seem to be together. She needs to focus on her work and he obviously only cares about exploiting her intelligence and innocence. They will be separated and she will give up eventually.

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