Chapter 17

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"Meredith, you look great." He says reassuringly before taking a bite of the mysterious yet delicious food.
"You're my friend, you have to say that." She says softly as her eyes dart around the room.
"No, I don't have to. It's just my honest opinion." He shrugs.
"Hmmm." She nods as her eyes rest across the room on Rose.

He follows her gaze and sighs before reaching out and grabbing her hand. She shakes and he lets a deep breath escape his lips before standing up.
"Come on." He says nonchalantly.
"What?" She asks.
"Get up." He says, smirking and pulling her up.

He laughs while she grips his shoulders and tries to push him away. She feels him pull her back and she grips the hair on the nape of his neck He holds her waist and pulls her into the dance floor.

"Stop looking at Rose." He whispers as she breathes heavily.
"Derek." She says condescendingly.
"No, actually. Stop staring at her. We aren't together." He says.
"You're not together?" She asks.
"No. We just do couple-y things. It's different." He whispers.
"But-" She starts.
"Nothing. I'm coming to your house tonight." He shrugs.
"You can't." She sighs.
"I can and I will." He nods.

"Meredith." A man moves behind Derek.
"Hey. Finn." She gives him a warm smile and pulls away from Derek before he turns.
"Smith." Derek seethes.
"My name is Finn. The last name is Smith. Can I steal you away?" He asks, turning to Meredith.

"No-" Derek answers.
"Yes." She interjects. walking to him and holding his arm.
Derek's mouth opens to say something but she nods and they walk away together. He watches as the slow music starts and she sways with him. This feeling was new; like a stinging pit at the bottom of his stomach, spreading across his organs and making him want to throw up. He walks to the catered table and drinks a long sip of the cool champagne.

"I'm sorry, I talked about Meredith that way. I promise I won't do it again." Rose says, walking to him.
"Would you like to dance?" He asks.
"Sure." She nods and he holds her hand, pulling her on the dance floor.

His breathing is shaky as they dance and her head rests on his shoulders. He stares at her and his jaw is dropped from her expression. She is laughing with him, how? He was so rude to everyone at school but Meredith seemed to enjoy his presence.

"What are you thinking about?" Rose asks.
"Hmm?" He mumbles, rubbing her back.
"You're thinking about something." She says as she stands on her tiptoes and traces light lines on his forehead.
"I'm not. I'm not. Sorry. I was just spacing out. It's been a long day." He sighs and meets her dark brown eyes before smiling.

"Do you want to come over tonight to sleep over?" She asks.
"Uhm..." His cheeks redden and she giggles.
"Just. A sleepover, not a..." She says softly.
"Well okay then, I'll have to ask and grab things." He says.
"Yeah." She nods as he pulls away and leaves a kiss on her forehead before taking out his phone.

He dials no number as holds the phone to his ear. Simply, he pretends to be speaking to his foster parents while he stares at Meredith while she speaks. Hockey season would start soon and Derek had to prove to her that Finn didn't deserve her. The pit in his stomach grew till it ached. He walks back to Rose and then frowns.

"I have to go and I asked them to let me sleep over after they said 'no' twice." He lies.
"Oh. Okay then. Maybe another time." She says before hugging him and kissing his cheek.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow." He nods. 

2 AM

He sits on his bed, his head in his palms and his tears flowing in streams down to his elbows before dripping out on the sheets. He let Meredith away and she would be with Smith now. Hearing a car radio, he crawls to the window and opens it before seeing Meredith and Smith walk out of a car. She rubs her shoulders and he wraps his arms around her before buttoning his suit coat around her dress.

She turns her head and giggles as he shoves his lips in hers. Derek cringes as he helps her turn around and places his hands on her waist, then her hips, and then the back of her thighs. She is moaning and Derek closes his eyes, trying not to hear it. Finn laughs and Derek opens his eyes, watching him lift her and carry her over his shoulder before unlocking her door.

Lights don't turn on in the room but Derek knows what is happening. He shuts his eyes tightly and leaves his room before walking down the stairs and sitting at the marble island of the kitchen.

"Have trouble sleeping?" Jack asks, placing a cup of hot chocolate in front of him. Derek shakes his head and pushes the normally delicious liquid back. Jack laughs and Derek looks up as he walks to the corner of the kitchen and picks up a piece of paper. Jack walks back to him and places it in front of him.

"Oh, you don't have to pay me." He shakes his head and pushes the check back.
"You have been putting in much more work than anyone else. All of my customers love you." Jack says pushing the check to him.
"It's too much." Derek sighs.
"Get something for that girlfriend of yours." He suggests.
"Rose has everything. There is nothing that I could give her to make her any happier." Derek shrugs.
"Weren't you with Meredith from across the street?" He asks.
"Meredith and I are just friends-" Derek gets cut off as the doorbell rings.

They both turn their heads to the door and back at each other before Derek gets up and walks to the door. It rings again and once more and he opens it to find a small Meredith in his leather jacket and a pair of sweats. She had been crying and her hair wasn't neat like usual. His mouth opened as he saw a dark red mark against her neck.

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