Chapter 27

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He grabs the keys off a hook and gets in Jack's car, starting it. He looks up at his window and smiles as he sees Meredith waving. She smiles and he nods, pulling out of the driveway. He drives fast to the giant house where Rose lives and sees her waiting on the driveway.

Pulling in, he gets out of the car and shuts the door. Rose runs towards him and jumps into his arms. He wraps his arms around her and breathes heavily. Rose's fingers are tangled in his hair and he pulls back.

"I missed you!" She smiles, holding his hands and pulling him in.
"Yeah." He smiles and nods before walking into her house.
"My parents decided to stay in Jamaica for a while so I'm here alone." She smiles, handing him a beer.
"How was Jamaica?" He asks and takes it before taking a long sip.
"It was fun but boring without you." Rose smiles, walking around the corner and leaning in to kiss him.

He swallows nervously and looks to the side, feeling her lips on his cheek. She pulls away as he glances back at her.
"Did you tell your dad about the hockey team?" He asks.
"Yes, why?" She asks.
"I didn't earn my spot there," Derek says, pulling away.
"You're on the team isn't that what you wanted?" She asks.
"Yes, but not like this." He shakes his head and she reaches her hands to touch his cheek before watching him pull it away.

"Rose, I'm leaving." He says heavily.
"Leaving where?" She asks.
"My foster parents are getting a divorce and the system won't let me stay till I turn 18." He says, stepping back.
"Are you breaking up with me?" Rose asks quietly.
"I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore." He shakes his head and leans in before wrapping his arms around her. She shakes against his frame and he places a soft kiss on her cheek.
"Bye, Derek." She whispers as he pulls away.
"Goodbye Rose." He smiles gently and places the beer on the table before showing himself out of the house. He breathes deeply and smiles as he gets in the car and drives away.

Meredith smiles as he pulls into the driveway and gets out of the car. Quickly, he walks in and Meredith hears him on the stairs before he opens the door wide. She giggles as he picks her up and leaves kisses on her face before carrying her to the door. He smiles and shuts the door as he puts her down, pressing her to the door.

"I'm free to be with you." He whispers, holding her waist.
She simply nods against him and doesn't look up to his eyes.
"What's wrong?" He asks, bring his finger to her face and tilting her head up.
"I've thought about it... and I want you to be my first." She whispers nervously making his hand fall.
"Mer-" He starts.
"I get it, I know. I'm crazy to even suggest it." She nods making him shake his head in disbelief.
"I want you to be my first too." He nods.
"We don't have to-" She continues before realizing what he had said to her. He smiles as she looks up and swallows nervously.
"We are young... you are really young." She sighs as they walk towards his bed and he takes off everything but his boxers.

She slides into his bed with him and he lets her lay on his chest, smiling as he rubs her back. They both lay awake, trying to sleep but failing every time.
"This is ridiculous." He scoffs making them both sit up.
"Yeah." She nods, bringing her knees to her chest.
He moves behind her and reaches his hand out, placing it on her cheek and making her turn her head to his. She smiles and runs her nose down his before letting him meet her lips. His hand slides around her neck and into her blonde hair. She smiles and brings her hands to his jaw, feeling a small stubble he has. He pulls away to take a deep breath and she smiles.

"We could watch a movie and stay awake." He says softly, pulling the blanket around them.
"Horror movie." She nods, making him roll his eyes.
"Fine. Goosebumps." She nods, grabbing his laptop and setting it in front of them.
"That's a kid's movie." She scoffs.
"Fine, you pick." He chuckles, opening Netflix.

She giggles and clicks The Walking Dead making him blow out sharply. As the credits play out, his grip around her and the blankets grow tighter.
"Are you scared?" She asks softly.
"I don't get scared." He scoffs.
"Okay." She smiles and moves into his lap comfortably.
"Will you get scared?" He asks.
"No." She shakes her head and rests it on his shoulder. Her arms are wrapped around his neck and slowly running her fingers through his hair.

His hands slip into his sweater and she smiles as his hands run over her stomach and hold her waist. Her hair flows down his shoulders and he kisses her forehead before pulling her close. She nuzzles her nose to his neck and kisses his ear. His shoulders scrunch and she lifts her head before looking at him.

"What was that?" She asks.
"Nothing, I'm just ticklish there." He shrugs.
"You're ticklish here?" She asks, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear.
She laughs as his ears wiggle and he shakes his head.
"Don't." He shivers.
"Ticklish?" She questions, breathing in his ear.
"Walking Dead." He mutters, reminding himself of the movie.
She nods and kisses his ear, making him squirm. He turns to her and shakes his head as he smiles. Her lips meet his and her tongue lines his lips. The sound of a moaning zombie making him pull his lips away. His grip around her grows tighter and he sighs as he breathes sharply.

"How do you kiss someone when there are s zombie-killing humans?" He asks genuinely as she fiddles with his hair.
"You really want to know?" She asks meeting his lips again.
His tongue rushes through her lips and into her mouth. Her arms wrap his head and he nods, biting her lip and pulling away, leaving it stinging.
"No." He shakes his head, reaching out and shutting the computer before placing it on his nightstand.

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