Chapter 37

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"Have you had dinner?" She asks.
"No. I haven't." He lets her pull him into the kitchen.
"I bought pizza." She shrugs, "I'll have extra."
"Yes, I'd love pizza." He says, sitting opposite her on the island.
She jumps up on a stool and opens the box and they take a piece of pizza before smiling wide. He watches her eat and smiles as he sees sauce on a corner of her lips. Swallowing a bite, he leans over and tilts her chin up before brushing her lips, rubbing the sauce off. She blushes as he sits back and takes a bite, smirking at her.

"What have you been doing all this time?" She asks.
"High School, College, Med School, Residency. You?" He says nonchalantly making her laugh while he smiles.
"I had to take care of my mother in England actually. We were there and when I got back here, they made me re-do my residency." She sighs, taking a sip of her water.
"England? That's why I couldn't find you all those years." He nods as she gets up and opens her fridge before placing the pizza box inside and pulling out a small pint of strawberry ice cream.
"You looked for me too?" She asks, surprised as she hands him a spoon and eats a bite of ice cream.
"Yeah." He nods, "For so long."
She yawns as he eats and gives her a warm smile.

"Are you tired?" He asks.
"Mhm. Yeah." She nods.
"You want me to leave so you can sleep?" He asks.
"You can stay... if you want." She says softly, walking to him and gently locking their fingers. He swallows nervously as she lets go of fingers, tugging them one last time behind her.
"I can?" He asks nervously.
"Only if you want." He smiles and follows her upstairs, feeling a flipping sensation in his stomach.
"I do want to stay." He nods as he walks upstairs with her, looking around curiously as he examines the paintings on the walls.

She stops before the door and he lets out a heavy breath against her neck. Despite the odd sensation in his chest, he smiles and runs his nose down the back of her neck. She moans softly as he gazes down her body. The tank top fit her loosely and she was wearing shorts, really short shorts that showed almost all of her legs. He smiles and chuckles as his hands hold her waist, rubbing her sides slowly, feeling her warm skin through the white cloth.

"Mhm." She breathes, moving her head down and to the right, just enough to see him stepping closer. The whole of her back touches his chest and she smiles as she watches him grin.

His hands grip the white cloth and he lifts it, over her head before dropping it on the floor. His hands trace her curves and run up her spine before gripping her bra and unclasping it. She smiles and feels his hands follow her around her chest and he flicks it off her, holding her breasts.

"Can I still stay?" He asks, folding her gently.
"Mhm." Meredith whimpers as he squeezes.
"Open the door." He says as he pushes down her shorts.
The knob clicks and they walk into her room as he feels himself stiffen, glancing at her large bed. It was obviously a king and he smirked, thinking about all the things he could do. She is naked and he pulls off his socks before turning her around. They lock eyes and he sees hers a darker shade of green. His eyes move down her skin, seeing the muscles in her arms. She places her arms around his neck and he holds her waist before leaning over her and plunging his lips into hers. He chuckles as she unbuttons his shirt rapidly, pulling it out of his khakis. They fall against the bed and she drops his shirt on the floor as they moan. They kiss deeper, a moist and wet environment within their lips.

"So sexy." He mutters, pulling away for a moment to catch his breath. She bites her lip and he shakes his head in awe as gathers the waves of her hair that flow over her shoulders. He chuckles and pulls her body up onto the bed and letting her lay flat on her back. He leans down and lifts his undershirt over his head before tossing it across her room. She pants breathlessly as he sucks her neck, his tongue swirling around her skin that tasted as sweet as honey and felt as soft as petals. He pulls the blanket over them and she moans uncontrollably as he bites her neck, making her back lift off the bed with pleasure. Her chest is pressed to his and he lets a groan escape his lips as her hardened knobs touch his nipples, brushing them unbearably slowly.

He holds her hips down on the bed and lets his tongue trail down to her collarbone before kissing it tenderly. Her hands are pinned underneath him and he smiles as her fingers tug on his belt. He suppresses a groan and ravages her chest hungrily, sucking her breasts as hard as he can and covering them with his saliva. She palms him and he sighs in pleasure as he sits up on her waist. Her hands immediately move to his belt and he unbuckles it with her, his heart leaping at the sound of the metal unlinking. He pulls his member from inside his boxers and she lets out a shaky exhale as she looks at it laid out against her stomach, brushing her belly button. She wraps her hand around it and he moans breathily, making his head throw back as she strokes him. His pre-cum spills over himself and her fingers and he sighs as he looks back down at her.

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