Chapter 28

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He yawns as the bell rings for his last class of the day. Getting up, he walks out of the class and leans his head against the brick wall. waiting for all the younger kids to clear out of the hallways. his hair is frizzy and the person he wants is moving away. Ever since they had spent the night together, she was so busy with chores from her mother.

His fingers tingle as a hand slides into his. He grins, locking fingers with her and letting his smile spread to the corners of his eyes. His other hand reaches out and finds her cheek before leaning down and letting his lips find hers, taking her breath away. Her lips taste like light cherry and he sucks slowly, breathing slowly. Her fingers unlatch from his and move to his cleanly shaved chin while his arms wrap her and pick her up easily.

"Miss me?" She giggles as she pulls away and he puts her down.
"So much." He says as she pulls him off the wall.
"Physics can't be that boring." She says as he wraps his arm around her shoulders.
"Oh, but it is." He says as she holds his torso and rests her head on his chest as they walk.
"Do you want a snack?" She asks as they walk.
"Mhm... yes." He nods, scrunching his lips.
She pulls out a packet of Oreos and takes out one before handing it to him. Derek smiles and shakes his head before scoffing and pulling away to eat it.

"What?" She asks, staring at his disapproving grin.
"It's very sugary." He nods.
"I can always take it back you know?" She asks.
"No, no." He smiles, eating a cookie.

She giggles, taking the two cookies apart and sucking on the cream. He stares at her and frowns before taking her cookies.
"Can I have your cream?" She asks.
"Anytime." He nods, letting a smirk spread over his face.
"Okay, you know I didn't mean it like that." She scoffs.
"Take." He shrugs, splitting his oreo and letting her lick off the thick whiteness on them.
She smiles and hands him the cookies which he crunches on slowly. She takes a deep breath against his chest he sighs.

"We need to talk, about one more thing." He says, licking his lips.
"What is it?" She asks as she pulls away from his grip and unlocks the door to her house.
"I'm not going to have my phone." He says quietly. 
"What are you talking about?" She laughs as they kick off their shoes at the front of the house and walk upstairs.
"When I leave, I have to give my phone back to them." He says softly before laying back on her bed.
"You have a phone there right?" She asks, handing him his water bottle and chewing an oreo.
"No. I cant use it." He says.
"How will I talk to you?" She asks.
"I don't know." He sighs, holding her hand and pulling her on top of him as she smiles.

"It's weird not doing anything after school." She shrugs.
"We have five hours to do anything we want and then I'll be back for the night." He rolls over her and raises his eyebrows.
"Movie tonight? Again?" She asks.
"I was thinking about what you said the other night." He says before kissing her lips and rolling to her other side.
"Which thing?" She asks as he props his head on his arm.

"The... sex, thing." He says nervously.
"Oh, that. Yeah." She nods, her breath shaking.
"I won't deny you anything, but I want to make sure this is what you want, because I can't take it back." He nods kindly.
"Yes. It's what I want." She smiles confidently and props herself up before cupping his face in her hands and kissing his lips.
"So... tonight?" He asks, his lips curved in a grin.
"Tonight." She nods. "But first, I want to something sweet." She shrugs.

"Didn't you just have Oreos?" He scoffs as she pulls him off the bed and down the stairs.
He sighs as they pass towers of cardboard boxes, each one labeled with her nest print. She pulls him into the kitchen and he smiles as she kneels and looks through the clothes before pulling out two aprons. He wraps his arms around her and grabs the apron before pushing it over her head and biting her ears playfully. She laughs and turns in his arms before pushing a black apron over his head. She tiptoes and kisses his neck softly as her arms wrap around his torso. He smiles and groans softly as his hands move to the back of her head. She ties the apron on his back before pulling away and letting him tie hers.

She smiles and walks past him before opening a pantry. She sighs seeing only cake mix on the top shelf. He grabs it and pours it into a bowl. She drops in eggs and water as he adds oil and stirs.
"You didn't tell me you knew how to bake." She says.
"I don't. Cake mix isn't baking." He shrugs.
"It's a start." She smiles as they stir together.

He dips his finger into the batter and she watches in awe as he sloppily shoves it in his mouth. His eyes close and he grins madly, tasting the chocolate.
"Your not supposed to be eating raw batter." She raises her eyebrow as he does it again.
"I think you should step out of the rules a little bit." He shrugs.
She rolls her eyes while he picks up more batter on his fingers and slobbers them on her nose.

"I will kill you!" She gasps, taking batter and landing it on his mouth. He chuckles and smiles as she reaches for a napkin.
"There's a much better way to clean off chocolate batter and not let it go to waste." He laughs before leaning it and holding her cheeks. She scoffs and leans up, locking their lips and wrapping her arms around his torso. His phone buzzes in his jacket and she pulls away to let him check it. Sighing, he opens his phone and looks at her.

"I have to go early. Jack needs help at the bar but I definitely won't be late tonight." He says quickly, taking off his apron and walking to the door.
"11 o'clock?" She asks.
"Yes! I promise!" He says smiles before opening t
the door.
"Wait." She laughs as he turns away.
"What?" He asks, looking back at her.
She quickly grabs a paper towel and runs it over water before walking to him.
"You're face is covered in chocolate." She giggles, wiping it off his face.
"Thank you!" He smiles, rushed.
"Wait, you forgot something." She scoffs as he starts down her porch steps.
"What?" He asks.
She runs to him and leans in before planting a soft kiss on his lips.
"Now, you're good." She smirks.
"Eleven o'clock." He mutters, before laughing and continuing down her driveway.

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