I. The Quidditch World Cup

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Note: the events in the books and movies will not always be in sync with the story due to purposes involving the timelines.


August 23rd, 1994

Percy couldn't quite believe the day had come. He was going home, finally, after months and months away. Not to mention the state he'd left the place in with serial killers on the loose and little brothers running around being the target of such madness. What was even better was that Annabeth was coming with him; she would see the world he had always wanted to show her.

As though on cue, she appeared at his shoulder, "Ready yet?"

"Of course I'm ready, Wise Girl," Percy grinned at her, swinging his bag over on his shoulder as he stood up.

"Are you sure we won't be late?" She asked nervously, practically bouncing on the spot.

"Late?" Asked Percy, scoffing comically. "Well... maybe fashionably?"

"Percy," the daughter of Athena growled.

He quickly put his hands up in surrender, grinning innocently. "We're fine! As long as Cedric hurries, we'll be perfectly on time to set up the campsite and look around and find Harry and find our seats and Harry and-"

"Okay, Seaweed Brain, I get it," Annabeth chuckled as she headed to the door, Percy following as she waved goodbye to her siblings. As soon as they stepped out into the sunlight, Percy laced his fingers with Annabeth's. Ever since they got out of there, they found they needed each other more than ever before. People didn't even bother trying to separate them anymore, not since Malcom Pace had almost been speared with a dagger and a jet of ice after having screamed when he found Percy and Annabeth asleep in the Athena cabin. That was the last time anyone, even Athena herself, tried to rip them apart. Chiron had relented in allowing them both to sleep in the Poseidon cabin after that night.

Right now, however, they couldn't be happier. Since the end of the Giant War, monsters had stayed away, people were happy and the truce they had made with New Rome had boosted a lot of morale. What was even more exciting, however, was the Quidditch World Cup, the largest wizarding event of the decade. For the demi-wizards at least. No one else -except for Annabeth of course, she figured it out years ago- knew of the existence of the wizarding world.

"I can't wait!" Annabeth, full of energy for the first time in weeks, said once again. "You're going to show me Gringotts, right?" she asked for the hundredth time that morning.

"Of course, Wise Girl," Percy promised. "I can't wait to show you everything! I still wish that you could see Hogwarts but-"

"Oh can you two cut it out?" Asked Cedric as he caught up to them, his own backpack hooked under his arm and a moldy sock in his hand, making Percy and Annabeth grimace.

"What on Earth is that, Ced?" Percy asked, blocking his nose with his free hand.

Cedric also grimaced, holding the sock with two fingers in disgust. "Portkey."

Percy shook his head rapidly. "No way am I touching that thing, I'd rather risk flying."

"Well, suit yourself then." Cedric said as he dropped it between the three of them. "What about you, Annabeth?"

"I hate to say it but... I'm taking the sock." She followed Cedric's lead as they knelt down next to it.

"Better make up your mind soon, Perce," Cedric grinned cheekily, "You'll never make it otherwise."

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