XVI. Nobody Knows

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June 18th, 1995

Percy breathed in the air of baked goods and bustling people. Legionaires were scattered around amongst the crowds in shifts, protecting them. The children ran around and played tag, giggles echoing. Percy smiled. It felt nice to be back in New Rome.
As he walked, people he both knew and did not know greeted him. Some even thanked him for his service - that being destroying Polybotes a year ago.

Beside him walked Grover. His own little satyrs were among the children, giggling and laughing. It still felt surreal that one of his best friends now had a family - and had survived to do it. Percy felt very protective over the triplets and even in the safety of the city, could not help but keep an eye on the three of them, which was difficult considering he only had two eyes.

"We should hang out together more often, Perce," Grover said suddenly, grinning as he watched his children. "I miss you."

"Well, you'll be seeing a lot more of me now that Hogwarts is over," Percy said, then let out a sound between a grimace and a laugh. "A lot has changed there since you left, G-Man."

Grover nodded. "I know. The centaurs keep me up to date."

"Not just in looks," Percy said, "the whole... environment. Even the heart of the school... it feels cold."

Grover nodded again and sighed. "Well, at least you're out of there then. Besides, Piper's not going back either and then Cedric will finish too and the three of you will be free of the castle forever," he ranted.

Percy hummed. "Don't jinx us, dude."

Grover laughed, "Sorry!"

They came to a stop at one of the parks where the triplets -Rosie, Dina and Aura- started racing each other over the miniature obstacle course that Hazel had set up a few months ago. Percy and Grover watched over them from a bench on the edge of the grass and the path, comfortable in their silence.

It wasn't long before Rosie came running up to them, grinning just as widely as Grover did at a good joke and jumped right up into Percy's lap, making him cough as the air was knocked out of him. The two-centimeter horns really packed into the load. Rosie was the smallest of the triplet girls with shaded skin and freckles all over and big brown eyes that could beg anything out of anyone. Her hair had a touch of green, just like her mother's.

"Hello, Uncle Percy," she said as she made herself comfortable.

Percy, eyes wide, glanced at Grover to see the satyr still grinning like an idiot.

Percy swallowed. "Hey, Rosie. What's up?"

"I got tired. You look like a better pillow than daddy."

"Hey!" Grover complained.

Rosie giggled without a hint of remorse. "It's true, daddy."

Percy had to laugh as well. "She's got a point. Remind me never to fall asleep next to you again. Or you next to me, you're heavy!"

Grover huffed in mock disgust. "How rude. I guess you two don't want ice cream then?"

"Yes!" They shouted in sync.

Grover laughed maniacally. "I thought so. Stay here, Rosie, help Uncle Percy watch your sisters."

She gave a mock salute. "Sir, yes sir!" Then she turned and stared straight at Dina and Aura, who were too busy racing to notice her stare.

Rosie had turned oddly quiet.

"You alright, Rosie?" She hummed. "You sure?"

The young satyr sighed. "I feel lonely."

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