XI. The Lesson

43 4 2

January 13th, 1996

Sleeves rolled down

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Sleeves rolled down.

That was the rule now. Even as the heat grew in the Potions office that evening, Percy kept his sleeves rolled all the way down. No risks.

At the sound of a gasp, Percy looked up from his shoes to the sight before him. Honestly, it was going a bit far now. It was near curfew and Harry was sweating like Percy did after training with Annabeth for an hour.

"That's private," Harry spat as Severus left his mind for the up tenth time that night, Harry being unsuccessful in pushing him out.

"Not to me, and not to the Dark Lord if you don't start working," Severus snapped back. He and Harry had never exactly seen eye to eye, and even less so tonight it seemed. "Every memory he has access to is a weapon he can use against you!"

"Sev," Percy finally decided to intervene, standing from where he was stood against the wall. "Give him a break, alright? He's exhausted."

Severus shot a side look at Percy before going back to Harry like an animal seeking out its prey. "You're just like your father," Sev suddenly snapped, "lazy, arrogant, weak!"


"Don't say a word against my father!" Harry suddenly exclaimed, jumping up. Percy grabbed the back of his shirt and thrust Harry back into his seat before standing in front of him like a shield as Severus continued to insult James Potter.

Percy had never seen his godfather like this; he was always calm, collected, prepared, not lost in the past. Angry he had seen but this?

Finally, Severus turned around again and came face to face with Percy.

"Move," he glared.

Percy folded his arms. The Dark Mark tingled weakly under his sleeve. "I gave you the information so you could help, not beat him up."

"Then you should have found a different teacher," Severus answered.

"You taught me just fine," Percy retorted. "In fact, its probably the only reason I'm alive right now."

"Well you two don't have the same father, do you?"

Percy still doesn't know where it came from, but his fist had suddenly collided with Sev's face. Severus looked shocked, still.

Percy huffed and cradled his knuckles. The Dark Mark now burned beneath his shirt, like it sensed the trouble between the two Death Eaters.

Death Eater.

"Maybe I will find him a different teacher," Percy said calmly while he grabbed Harry's shoulder, steering him to the door. "You know where to find me when you're ready to apologize!"


"That was... absolutely wicked," Harry said halfway up the stairs.

Percy rolled his eyes. Despite being thoroughly annoyed with his godfather, he did regret punching him. Those punches were for monsters, not for father-figures.

"Where did it come from?" Harry continued, grinning broadly despite the sweat.

Percy shrugged. "Rough week, I guess?"

With that, they fell in silence on the way to Gryffindor Tower.

"What's been going on?" Harry asked softly as they rounded a corner.

Memories of their initiation and the ceremony flashed through Percy's mind, but he shut them out quickly.

He swallowed and put a hand on his brother's shoulder, "Nothing you need to worry about, Hare-Bear."

"You've got to stop calling me that! I'm almost sixteen."

"Pf! You're barely fifteen, buddy. You still have six months of growing before you're sixteen."

Silence again. As they reached the portrait to the tower, Harry turned to Percy, biting his lip.

Percy chuckled. "What?"

"Where were you on Christmas?" Harry asked. "You guys didn't come 'round, then you didn't answer my letter-"

"Oh! Christmas!" Percy chuckled nervously. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to seem embarrassed. "Well, with Mr. Weasley, we decided to give you lot the day together and- we may have been keeping ourselves busy anyway-"

Harry blushed deep red as he finally got the picture, and shut his eyes tight. "Okay, I get it, I get it! Just shut up now!"

Percy laughed and ruffled Harry's hair. "You'll understand one day. Now go to sleep. I'll find you a new teacher, unless you wanna give Sev another chance-"

"Please no!"

"Fine," he said, beginning to walk away. "I'll see you soon okay?"

"Percy!" Harry called.

He turned. "Yeah!"

Harry hesitated for a moment before running forward and grabbing Percy in a hug. "Thanks," he said quietly.

"Of course, baby brother."

Finally, Harry disappeared behind the portrait and Percy turned to leave. Annabeth was probably getting worried. Then again, she was wedding planning so-

"Is he though?" A cool voice interrupted Percy's thoughts. He turned at once and found none other than Draco Malfoy leaning against the wall behind the corner, staring at his shoes.

"Hey Draco," Percy said slowly, "what- what's going on? Why are you up?"

"You're a traitor," Draco hissed suddenly, head snapping up, eyes hard as steel.

Percy's mouth fell open. "What?"

Draco stepped closer, lip curling. "Don't act innocent. I saw you there that day, on Christmas."


"D-Draco, it's not what you think."

"I think it's exactly what I think!" The young Malfoy suddenly shouted. "You're a-"

Quickly, Percy slapped a hand over Draco's mouth and slammed the boy back into the wall. "Shush! Ow!"

Draco bit him! The nit!

Who knew he had such a strong jaw?

"Geez, will you just let me explain!"

"I don't want to listen to a Death Eater!"

Percy clenched his jaw and slammed Draco into the wall again, listening to the subtle crack in the bricks. "You are going to break my cover!" He snapped.

"Oh yeah, lie all you want!"

"I don't want the mark!" Percy said. "I'm a spy, you idiot!"


"If I was really a Death Eater, you'd already be dead and you know it."

At that, Draco went silent. Slowly, Percy let him down and the two stood in silence, staring at one another.

"How do I know you're not just waiting for the proper moment?" Draco asked quietly.

Percy sighed. There was no way to prove it. In the end, it all comes down to the end of time, and the end of his life. When that will be is unknown, although it will probably be soon.

"I guess you'll just have to keep in mind that I'm Percy Potter, the son of Poseidon, and my fatal flaw is loyalty."


AN: A quick chapter in honor of Percy's birthday!! All hail blue cookies and cake and blue everything!! 💙

Also, second chapter in two days.
*pats herself on the shoulder*

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