I. Darkness

35 0 0

August 1st, 1996

Percy could feel the dark magic around him, probing at his mind, wanting to consume him

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Percy could feel the dark magic around him, probing at his mind, wanting to consume him. As the picket-fenced house loomed ever closer, his grip on his wand tightened. The outside was quiet save for their footsteps, but one window of the house was illuminated. Percy wanted to leave — he didn't want to do this — but then they would know. He couldn't escape, not with Bellatrix at his side, watching him from the corner of her eye.

An icy hand on his bare arm made him stop and shiver uncomfortably despite it being the middle of summer. Bellatrix's voice, a hushed hiss, filled the air. "Stop. Crabbe, Goyle, you're taking the flanks. Jackson and I will take up the front."

The two goons nodded wordlessly and disappeared behind the trees concealing the house from muggles. It was the home of Amelia Bones, the loyal Wizarding judge who worked for the Ministry of Magic.

"Come," Bellatrix said sharply, her cold hand finally leaving his skin. They approached the gate and Bellatrix waved her wand, opening it with a drawn-out squeak. Near instantly, the air tensed— Amelia knew that they were here.

A mad smile made its way onto Bellatrix's face as she turned back to Percy. "This is where the fun begins."

Percy almost threw up then and there. Not that he had anything left to throw up — he'd done that enough today. He had felt sick ever since yesterday when Voldemort gave him this mission. Percy's only graceful thought was that his wife wouldn't have to see it.

The light in the house flickered, turning black, but Percy knew it was too late. The spells had already been cast by the Death Eaters; there was no escape now. Not by floo, not by broom, not by apparition. No help was coming either; no one knew they were here. No one but Albus Dumbledore, of course.

"Come," Bellatrix spat, jolting Percy from his frantic mind back to his frantic body. He could feel his wand shaking in his grip. He had killed before... but never like this. This... this was murder.

He followed Bellatrix up the neatly gardened path to the front steps of the picket-fenced house. Inside was silent.

"Sorké!" Bellatrix yelled, blowing the door down. Percy jumped involuntarily. She and Percy entered, only to find the room empty. Percy let out a breath of relief. Perhaps Bellatrix would give up and return—

Never mind. That's stupid.

"Here, here, Mrs Bones!" Bellatrix called tauntingly. "Come out, come out!"

A movement in the back caught their ears. Bellatrix and Percy —no matter how unwillingly— raised their wands, only to find Crabbe and Goyle coming through the backdoor.

Bellatrix lowered her wand, standing straight. "Sack the house. Find them. They're here."

Percy frowned, lowering his arm. "They? I thought—"

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