XI. Bugger Bludger

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March 7th, 1997

The castle was full of gossip when Percy arrived for the second time that week, this time with Salina tucked into his side

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The castle was full of gossip when Percy arrived for the second time that week, this time with Salina tucked into his side. The girls oohed and awed, gasping from the sides of the corridors while boys made way with a respect that Percy didn't know existed in them. He wouldn't admit aloud that he was proud to show his girl off.

Though that feeling quickly disappeared upon seeing Professor McGonagall running to meet him. "Mister Potter!" She called. "I'm glad that you have arrived!"

"Sorry for the delay," Percy said, glancing pointedly at Salina who snuggled closer to his shoulder. "What's the problem? I don't get called in for Harry for nothing. Has he been fighting with the Slytherins again?"

"I'm afraid it is quite the opposite," Minerva said with a little too much bite, "he has a cracked skull."

Percy's eyes widened. "What!"

Before she could answer, they rounded the final corner to the hospital wing where Hermione was screaming at another boy. He sat in his chair, taking it without quarrel. "How dare you!" Hermione was screaming. "You could have killed him! You should be expelled for your foul-!"

"Now Miss Granger," McGonagall cut in as they came to the doors, "although Mr McLaggen certainly deserves it, it is not in your power to hand out punishments. Please calm down or return to your common room."

Hermione huffed softly and folded her arms before nodding. "I'm calm," she said, "I'm calm."

Percy wasn't convinced.

"Well?" He asked urgently. "Can I see Harry or are we going to stand out here all day?"

"Right," McGonagall said, "this way. McLaggen — do not move." With that, she turned and opened the doors, leading Percy inside. Percy quickly found Ron Weasley who, despite still looking a little paler than usual, had woken after his encounter with poisoned wine. The next bed was curtained, the only other one in the room being used. Percy, holding tightly to Salina, made a beeline.

He pushed past the curtain to find Harry unconscious. The boy's head was wrapped in white bandages and his face was matted with dirt. Percy sighed. "Dummy."

"Mister Potter?" Madam Pomfrey's familiar voice asked before she came in through the flap. "Oh good, you're here."

"What happened?"

"I'm afraid your brother had an unfortunate encounter with a bludger during today's quidditch match."

"Let me guess — Slytherin?"

"Well... the bludger actually came from his teammate."

"What!" Percy seethed. He remembered McLaggen sitting outside and clenched his knuckles. "Why that little-!"

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