IV. Grimmauld Place

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A/N: In honor of it being the second of May... I give you chapter four.

August 9th, 1995

Percy and Harry spent the next few days in the Estate, playing games in the house and clearing the Quiditch pitch in the backyard of all the growing weeds

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Percy and Harry spent the next few days in the Estate, playing games in the house and clearing the Quiditch pitch in the backyard of all the growing weeds. In the evenings, they ate and laughed together. It was nice to be normal.

At night, however, their nightmares got the better of them.

"You should have saved me," Cedric's voice would echo in both their heads.

Percy was able to pull himself awake before his dreams used the curse on him again. Having had more experience with nightmares, he could, and he did in time to hear Harry screaming across the landing.

This night it was particularly awful. Percy sprinted from his room into Harry's and found the boy thrashing in between the sheets, soaked with sweat and looking ill. Percy grabbed Harry and pulled him towards him, forcing the boy to still in his arms and cry as he woke before steadily falling back to sleep again.


Today, they planned to play a small game of Quidditch on the brand new pitch. Percy used one of the older brooms that he'd found in the shed considering he'd left his own back at Hogwarts when he left, having had no need of it at the time, and Harry took his Firebolt, ecstatic to ride for the first time in weeks. While Percy kept close to the ground, aiming at the lowest hoops to hit the quaffel through, Harry took to the skies and beat Percy by a landslide. Though, Percy supposed he should be grateful he wasn't fried from where he was.

Their fun soon came to an end when Tinky came rushing out onto the pitch, waving her little arms in a panic. Percy, having seen the elf first, came to a quick stop on the ground. "What is it, Tinky?"

"There are visitors, Sir! They came through the floo!"

Percy stiffened and fished his wand from his pockets quickly. "How did they know? I relinked the place but-"

"Percy? What's going on?"

The son of Poseidon sucked in a deep breath. "Stay here," he said, "and that's an order."


"Just... please listen to me for once?"

Harry looked like he was about to complain before he sighed and nodded. "Fine."

Percy gave his shoulder a squeeze before hurrying inside, Tinky having to run to keep up with him as he entered through the back door and ran through to the entrance hall, wand ready. However, when he saw the two women there waiting for him, he dropped his wand and awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Erm- how did you guys find me?"

"Wasn't difficult," Piper said as she leaned against the wall beside the fireplace. "You know my charms are too irrisistable, even for your godfather."

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