XIII. The Death of Albus Dumbledore

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June 30th, 1997

As soon as Percy opened his eyes, he knew he was in a dream

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As soon as Percy opened his eyes, he knew he was in a dream. A demi-god dream.

Tonight, Percy heard rather than saw anyone at first. There was talking, and darkness all around. The son of Poseidon crept forward, looking around. Steel and metal surrounded him in a familiar structure; this place had often been his escape during his years at Hogwarts: The Astronomy Tower. What was he doing there?

A clatter. Wood hitting the ground.

"Well done, Draco," Dumbledore's familiar voice spoke. Percy's eyes widened. He turned to climb the stairs, only to look straight at Harry. Percy's heart sank.

Harry was watching from beneath the floor, eyes wide and a death grip on his wand. He was pale, as if he'd faced death just moments ago and was pulled back from the edge. He shook with adrenaline; Percy recognized it well.

"Killing is not nearly as easy," Dumbledore finished speaking, drawing Percy's attention back. He climbed the stairs, leaving Harry below, to find Draco facing Dumbledore, wand drawn, and Dumbledore defenseless. Draco shifted uncomfortably under Dumbledore's gaze, glancing back at the door to the tower.

The last time Percy had seen Draco, the boy had been dying in a pool of his own blood in the boys' bathrooms. Now here he stood, looking as bad as he had that day, and even more terrified. Percy could do nothing to help him, nor Harry, who was undoubtedly watching, betrayed, from below.

"You're not alone, are you?" Dumbledore realized. "There are others. How?"

Percy sucked in a breath. So Draco had had a plan.

"The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. I've been mending it," Draco said smugly, although it looked more like a grimace.

"Ingenious. Let me guess. It has a sister. A twin."

"In Borgin and Burkes'. They form a—"

"A passage, yes, very good, Draco," Dumbledore said, then paused. He sighed heavily, eyes shifting to where Percy stood, a knowing glint in them, before looking back at the blonde. Percy swallowed thickly. "I once knew a boy years ago who made all the wrong choices. Let me help you, Draco."

"I don't want your help! Don't you see! I have to do it! I have to!" Draco shook. His next sentence came out quiet enough that Percy could barely hear. "I've got to kill you... or he'll kill me."

"Say that again, Draco. But aloud this time."

Draco looked deep into Dumbledore's eyes. His hand trembled. Vaguely impressed, Percy keeps watching. Slowly, Draco begins to lower his wand, when the door flies open: Bellatrix, Greyback and the others stumble inside, Bellatrix giving a loud laugh at the sight before her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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