V. The Cursed Pendent

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October 12th, 1996

Already a month and a half into term, and Draco Malfoy had barely spoken a word to him

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Already a month and a half into term, and Draco Malfoy had barely spoken a word to him. To say that Harry was bothered by this was an understatement. His mood was ghastly, so much so that even Ron and Hermione were on edge around him, and it showed no intention of improving. They chose to ignore Harry's looks across the classes they shared with Slytherins or over the dining hall to the opposite table and instead blamed Harry's state of disarray on Sirius's death four months ago. No, it was definitely not the fact that Draco Malfoy hadn't glanced their way the whole term.

Ron was convinced that Draco was a Death Eater. He said he'd overheard a conversation between the Slytherins on the Hogwarts Express in September —he'd come inside late along with Luna Lovegood and a bloody nose on the first day of term — but Harry was not so easily swayed. He knew a different side of Draco. Though the boy could be mean and a brat, he wasn't evil. He was not a Death Eater. Not like his aunt, not like his father or mother.

No. Draco was different. It was evident in his eyes when they sparkled with excitement, and the movement of his lips on Harry's as they came in contact, hidden in the shadows. Why would Draco do it otherwise?

But the little voice in the back of Harry's head retorted with, 'Why else?' Why else would Draco get close to Percy, to Harry himself? Why else would Draco have been in Knockturn Alley that day, in the pawn shop? Why else would Draco stop speaking to him so suddenly? He chose it ignore it like his friends ignored his longing stares.

Today, however, would be different. He was going to Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione and intended to enjoy himself no matter what. Thoughts of Draco Malfoy would not dampen his day.

"Oh blimey," Ron muttered from beside him behind his glass of butter-beer a while after they had settled at a table in The Three Broomstix. "Looks like Ginny's up to her ol' tricks."

Instinctively, Harry and Hermione turned to look at the other corner of the pub, spotting Ginny and Dean Thomas making out very intensely and very publicly.

Harry had to stifle a laugh at Ron's red cheeks. To be fair, if Harry saw Percy and Annabeth making out like that, he would have been embarrassed too.

"It's— it's not too bad. I mean—" Hermione stuttered.

Ron cut her off. "That my sister's the school slut? That's not too bad?"

The Three Broomstix was abuzz with the students from the school as well as the regular crowd. At the bar, he could see Professor Slughorn engaging in an intense conversation with a Hogsmeade resident who didn't seem to be all that interested. Poor bloke. On the other side of the pub sat Ginny and Dean with Seamus, Neville and a Hufflepuff girl at another table. More students Harry didn't recognize loitered around, and the inflow of more was signaled with the ring of the doorbell.

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