VI. The Proposition

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November 19th, 1996

When Percy received a stressed letter from Harry following Katie Bell's curse, detailing Ron's thoughts of Draco being a Death Eater and how Harry didn't want to believe it, Percy was furious

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When Percy received a stressed letter from Harry following Katie Bell's curse, detailing Ron's thoughts of Draco being a Death Eater and how Harry didn't want to believe it, Percy was furious. How could Draco be so careless with his secret? How could he be such an idiot as to get someone else hurt?

That was how Percy ended up in his godfather's office at Hogwarts that day, stirring a steaming cup of coffee with furious movements. Severus sat across from him, looking far too calm, as they waited for Draco to make his appearance.

After a long silence, Percy placed his cup on the desk and folded his hands in his lap, clenching his teeth. "This is madness," he hissed. "How does the Dark Lord expect Draco to do this? He's just a kid!"

"He doesn't," Severus said calmly, taking a sip of his own black tea. "It's part of his propaganda, Percy, to scare the rest of his followers into submission, and it's a revenge tactic on Lucius for his failure in the Department of Mysteries last year."

"Isn't Lucius being locked up in Azkaban enough punishment?" Percy growled, even though he knew the answer.

He wasn't really angry at Draco. No, Percy was angry at the whole scenario. No child of 16 —not even of age yet— should be made into a tool. Percy knew the experience well, having been an expendable tool himself at that age and younger, and he didn't wish it on anyone else.

Before he could think further, there was a knock at the door and Draco peeped his head around it, looking pale and thin. He clearly wasn't taking his mission well either.

"Come in, Mister Malfoy," Severus called, "and close the door."

As soon as he had, Percy muttered enchantments. If it was true that Ron was suspecting Draco —which it no doubt was— Percy wouldn't put it past the Weasley to follow Draco around the castle looking for proof.

Draco sat at the desk in the chair beside Percy, looking at his hands. He rubbed his fingers together nervously until Percy conjured a muggle stress ball and handed it to him. It was a tactic his godmother had taught him.

After another moment of tense silence, Draco spoke. "I- I know I messed up—"

"Hell yeah you did," Percy cut in.

"Shut it, Percy," Severus scolded before sighing. "It was an accident. Katie Bell will be fine and all will be righted. However... we cannot afford another mistake like that. It'll draw far too much suspicion."

"It won't happen again," Draco said firmly.

"It will," Percy said, "unless you let us help you."

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