II. Severus Snape

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August 24th, 1994

Percy hated demigod dreams. They were atrocious and scared the living daylights of him, especially since many of them now replayed the events of, well... there.

Hence, Percy didn't sleep often. Not as often as he should anyway.

Tonight, however, even in this damp cell, he found it impossible not to fall asleep, exhausted from the night's events. It didn't come without a cost of course- but this time, he wasn't in Tartarus.

He was in a place he didn't recognize, surrounded by cold grey statues and graves - a graveyard. He attempted to stand, look around, but found himself unable to move a muscle. Panicking, Percy looked around.

"What of the- the elder one, my lord?" A hoarse, ratty voice squeaked to whomever he spoke. He didn't sound too far - Percy assumed they were behind him as he couldn't find their figures with his eyes.

"He will joins us, or he will die." Another voice said; this one sent shivers down his spine for some odd reason, like he was Hades himself. Perhaps even Hades was better than this. At least Percy knew what he looked and sounded like. "Either way, the boy will break because of it." Who were they talking about?

"B-but M-master, how will we get both of them? We only have a plan for one-"

"Quiet! Let me speak you insolent rat!"

"S-sorry, m-master..." he fell silent.

The other voice chuckled and Percy had to strain his ears to hear what was being said. "We will get him. There is a perfectly crafted plan just for him."

For who? Percy wondered. Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised if it was him.


He woke up swallowing a scream, gasping for breath as the shackles around his wrists ripped his skin. He breathed heavily as his eyes darted around until he remembered why he was there; the Quidditch World Cup, the Death Eater's attack, the Dark Mark, being arrested. He shifted uncomfortably, wincing.

The door suddenly opened, making Percy jump and turn to face the people who entered. One was a witch and the other two wizards. He recognized the first man as Barty Crouch Senior, but he had never met the other man or woman before; though he must admit that he was quite startled by the dazzling pink adorned by the frog-faced woman. She reminded him somewhat of Mrs. Dodds, his first year Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, not to mention a monster.

"Who are you?" He asked cautiously, looking at the two he did not know. Neither answered save for the woman waving her wand. Percy gritted his teeth as his stiff arms were moved unwillingly, the magic forcing him backwards until his back was pressed firmly against the wall, the cuffs now burning his skin with a tingling sensation. Percy wasn't just shackled anymore, but was magically compelled to stand against the wall, his wrists now chained above him, arms helpless to defend himself. It was clear they had already decided him guilty of the crime he did not commit.

"What the hell is this?" Percy spat, "An execution?"

"Precaution, Mr. Potter, that is all," said Crouch stoically. He cleared his throat, unrolling a scroll of thick paper and reading from the lines. "You were discovered at the scene of the crime under the dark mark and as being of age, a liable suspect for the incantation and-"


"It was claimed by alibies that you had not used magic since the beginning of the World Cup and that you were with others at the time the Dark Mark was cast; however, as all alibies have a strict relation to you whether it be by blood or friendship, none can be taken into account. Furthermore, following your recent disappearance of a near ten months following the escape of Azkaban prisoner, Sirius Black, you have become a suspect of aiding and abetting Death Eaters and working for the remaining followers of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-"

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