VI. Blessings

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AN: Hi everyone!
Since my last update, school started up again and I have been extremely distracted with work (these marks count for uni applications and I need good marks if I want to go to my dream uni 🥴) and then a week after that, one of the girls in my grade passed away. We're a small grade of only about fifty or sixty so everyone knows everyone and it's just been very difficult (lol no one's coping and my school is rubbish at this stuff)
I am also organizing a huge fund raising event so I've been thinking about that a lot and gathering info basically on my own, chasing down teachers and my peers and yeah 🤦‍♀️ I'm sorry to say that this will continue for a while, I have a hectic couple of weeks with regards to tests and time constraints so I apologize in advance ❤️ this is also a short chapter that I found in my archives already written so please enjoy, its a very cute one in my opinion.
Love ❤️

August 18th, 1995

"Percy! Where the Hades are we going!"

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"Percy! Where the Hades are we going!"

"I'll show you when we get there," he answered as he kept his hands over her eyes, keeping her from seeing.

"And I'll show you what the ground tastes like," Annabeth retorted.

Percy laughed softly and shook his head, unable to keep the smile on his face or the nerves from within.

It was August 18th, his birthday and the two year anniversary of the battle of Manhattan, and the two year marker of his relationship with Annabeth.

Speaking of... she looked stunning, more so than usual. Somehow Piper —of all people— had convinced her to dress up. Her hair was sparkly with some sort of glitter and the thin layer of make up on her face made her grey eyes stand out. Not that Percy cared for make up, he much preferred her usual way of not caring at all. Still, tonight, it seemed to make it more special and, if anything, gave him hope.

"Percy Potter, I swear-!"

"We're almost there, Beth," he replied. "Two more minutes, at most."

When they finally arrived, Percy moved to stand behind her, hands still covering her eyes, and placed a gentle kiss on her open shoulder. She was wearing a baby-blue summer dress, also usual for Annabeth Chase.

"We're on the beach, aren't we?" She said suddenly.

Percy gasped dramatically. "Beth! How did you know?"

"Seaweed Brain," she whispered, "I can feel the sand between my toes."

"Oh," he supposed he should have checked that part, "right, well," he moved his hands from her eyes to her shoulders and pulled her back into his chest where she willingly stayed.

The sun was setting, creating an orange, pink and yellow sky. Seagulls began landing and soon all that was left of the day was the crashing waves.

"Did you get me all dressed up just to come down here?" Annabeth asked as they watched the stars come out, twinkling back at them. "We come out here every day, Percy."

Now or never.

He moved away from her and slowly lowered himself to one knee, digging out the lavender leather box from his pocket.

Meanwhile, feeling the cold wind on her back, Annabeth turned around to see where her boyfriend had gone. Her hands flew to her mouth to cover the gasp that escaped, and she shuffled backwards in the sand.

Percy could feel himself sweating and shaking in his suit as he opened the lid of the box. Inside was a ring; it was not very extravagant, nor shiny, but it was delicate and defined. The band was made of pure silver and it's outer rim was decorated with diamond shapes that criss-crossed all around it.

"Annabeth Chase," Percy started, trying —and failing— to swallow his nerves. "You are my literal soulmate. It took me a long time, maybe too long, to realize it but you are. Not a day goes by that you aren't my soulmate. You are a constant in a world of utter chaos. You have accepted me and all my nutty extra's, from that stupid prophecy to this next stupid war. You choose me again and again, and I will always choose you. I would go through hell for you again and again if it meant keeping you safe. You are my best friend, my partner, my soul. I know we're young, we're unstable and all over the place but-"


"-please marry... me... wait, what?"

Annabeth was crying, but she was smiling too. She nodded and held out her left hand.

Percy had stared at it for a long moment before he realized what she said. "Yes?"

"Yes, Seaweed Brain," she said, "yes. A thousand times, yes!"

Such excitement and elation took over that Percy forgot all about the ring and went straight to kiss her. Their mouthes met and, giggling together, Percy picked her up and swung her around in the air.

"The- the ring, Percy," Annabeth giggled, breaking their kiss.

"Oh! Uh, there!"

She jumped from his arms and knelt over to pick it out of the sand, blowing away the last specks of it before sliding it on her finger. "Percy, it's..."

"Stunning," he whispered, but he wasn't looking at the ring. He was looking at her.

Annabeth giggled and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him again.

Suddenly, clapping sounded from all around them. Annabeth and Percy broke apart, blushing and holding hands as the demigods of Camp Half Blood gathered. The clapping turned to cheering and the cheering to whooping until the whole camp was on the beach, whistling and singing: "PERCY AND ANNABETH STANDING ON A BEACH, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! FIRST COMES HELL, THEN COMES MARRIAGE, THEN COMES BABY POTTER IN A GOLDEN FLEECE!"

"That is... totally wrong..." Percy muttered.

Annabeth, beside him, grinned widely.

Nico was the first to come from the excited crowd. He was smiling, which was very unusual for Nico Di Angelo, and then hugged them both simultaneously and tightly. "You deserve this," he told them quietly.

Once the young son of Hades drew away, Piper took the attention: "Who's Iris Messaging Camp Jupiter!"

And so, the celebrations continued — for a whole week. It wasn't every day that two demigods got engaged; they usually didn't live long enough to do so at Camp Half Blood. Of course it was different at the Roman Camp and so Reyna's first comment had been: 'and?'

Piper had not been pleased, to say the least.

Grover had declared himself best man which was fine considering he would have been anyway, and his little satyr daughters named themselves the flower girls.

Honestly, Percy didn't much care for the wedding arrangements. All he knew was that soon he would be able to call his Wise Girl his wife. He fell asleep to that good thought every night from then on, gazing at Annabeth who slept beside him, peaceful and safe. They were happy together, and they would be for how ever long they lived.

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