IX. Sirius Black

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December 3rd, 1993

Dancing was never Percy's strong suit - and he meant, never.

As a result, when the time came for Percy to learn to dance -from his double left-footed godfather no less- he longed for anything else.

"On Christmas Eve, there shall be a ball. Attendance is complusory and as a result, your stepping skills must be up to standard. You shall all be representing this school and I will have no one from my house lagging behind, especially not if one is willing to take part in... irrespectable behaviours," Severus was saying. The whole of Slytherin house was rounded up in the dungeons, the candles being the only source of light save for the murky clouds shinning in through the filthy windows. "Only fourth years and above may attend."

Percy sighed under his breath. He counted as 'above fourth year', unfortunately.

"Miss Parkinson. Mister Malfoy. If you will demonstrate." Draco and Pansy stepped forward, their chests puffed out in overconfident arrogance. Percy rolled his eyes. He had yet to speak to Draco since the ferret incident and was not planning to do so until Draco did something nice.

As the boring classical music began to play and the two purebred purebloods started their practiced waltz, Pansy looking far too joyful, Percy's mind slipped out the window. He suddenly thought of Annabeth. Obviously since the Yule Ball was, well, a ball, he would need a partner. Who better than Annabeth, his Wise Girl? She'd always wanted to see Hogwarts anyway. This was the perfect opportunity!

A feeling of loneliness accompanied these thoughts, however. He missed her so. She was his light in the darkness, through thick and thin they had stayed alive together, somehow. He needed his Wise Girl.


Finally, it seemed, Severus let them leave. Percy was all too glad for it as he had been forced to dance with Katy Matil, a girl who had been obsessing over him since fourth year. The number of times he'd had to tell her no- he would have had a hundred pennies if he bet on it.

She had laid off for the time being seeing as his popularity rates had slipped so drastically. Katy was one of those girls who pranced around after the best-looking, most popular sport guys and for a while, Percy has seemed to fit the exact description. He hated it.

However, it seemed his dancing skills -which actually weren't that bad, apparently- had sparked her interest again and all of a sudden, Percy had a trail of gaggling girls on his tail, following him all the way to his godfather's office where he planned to get the opposite of what they wanted.

When he walked in, Severus was already at his desk working again. He paused as Percy entered and slammed the door in the faces of half a dozen Slytherins, looking up at his godson in utter confusion. "Alright, Perce?"

Percy frowned. He hadn't forgiven Severus yet but for the moment, he put all that aside.

"I want to bring Annabeth to Hogwarts," he stated blankly, staring his godfather down just a bit, "for the Yule Ball, I mean."

Severus sighed. "Percy, she is a-"

"A mortal, I know," Percy answered, slumping into a chair in front of the desk, "but she knows all about the Wizarding World anyway! She's wanted to see Hogwarts for years and I miss her so it all works out!"

"Percy," Severus groaned, "I cannot allow that-"

"Please," he begged. His eyes were round and shining.

Severus sighed loudly. "I will speak to the Headmaster."

Percy grinned, "Good enough for me."


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