XI. The Meeting

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AN: The photo above is of Mary! I loved writing this chapter. Please enjoy, it's a long one!

PS. Small cliffhanger at the end; bite-sized in comparison to other... cliff-hangers...


December 27th, 1994

Being back at Camp Half Blood felt like a breath of fresh air. Percy awoke the morning after their arrival from Hogwarts, the demigod trio having taken a portkey from King's Cross all the way to Long Island, and woke up with Annabeth beside him for the first time in months. Having had her presence beside him rendered him so calm that not only had he slept throughout the night, but he had slept dreamlessly as well.

Though, the anxiety for the coming meeting with Mary McDonald still stirred him the wrong way. Who wouldn't feel that way meeting someone after such a long time - so long that he could not even remember her face.

Percy made sure to put it out of his mind for now. The meeting was only in the afternoon, up across a popular Candy Store in Manhatten, and Percy wanted to make the most of his day until then.

Seeing everyone he loved and who loved him again was amazing. Since it was Christmas, there were a few more demigods around than usual, though still not many and the snow layering the ground was thick, clouding the strawberry fields and icing the lake over. Percy didn't mind though, he could still train in the arena with Annabeth, hike through the forest with Grover and Juniper, visit the sea with Tyson and play a couple of pranks with Cedric and Conner. Not to mention- spying on Nico and Will with Jason was awesome. That was until the boys saw them an Nico sent an army of undead soldiers after them.

"Okey-dokes, time to go - RUN!"

At long last, the duo came to a halt in the middle of the forest, panting breathlessly as the zombies finally sunk back into the depths of the underworld.

"So..." Jason panted out casually, as though they hadn't just been chased down by their cousin's pets. It was still odd to think that they were cousins, no matter how distant. "We didn't get to have a talk, back at Hogwarts."

"Yeah, you were too busy sucking Piper's tongue out her mouth," Percy quipped, giggling as Jason's whole face turned a deep pink shade, including the tips of his ears.

"Maybe don't mention that to Thalia..." he muttered, "but that's not the point! The point is... Percy, are you sure you're okay?"

"What do you mean?" Percy asked, genuinely confused. "I'm fine."

Jason looked skeptical, though he said nothing more. They started walking through the forest back to camp, waving to the tree spirits who ogled after them. "So..."

"Jason, what is it with you and that word? It's almost comparable to your relationship with bricks."

"Shut it, Potter," Jason growled, attempting to hide another embarrassed blush. "I'm warning you."

"Oh I'm quivering in my sneakers," Percy giggled.

"Ugh, Percy! Listen to me! When are you going to do it?"

"Do what?" Jason waved his left hand, as though that would give Percy a clue. "Dude... what are you saying?"

The son of Jupiter groaned and dropped his hand. "Gods, you really are oblivious. Dude, I can see it in your eyes! You want to ask her, don't you?"

"Ask who what?"

"Ask Annabeth to marry you, of course."

Percy stopped in his tracks, mouth falling open. He felt his face heat up. "I- I- what?"

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