III. The Unbreakable Vow

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August 11th, 1996

Two days later, Percy found himself at the Jackson family graveyard

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Two days later, Percy found himself at the Jackson family graveyard. He had never visited before —his experience with graveyards had left a mark— but for some reason, he felt drawn to it today.

The area was enclosed with a black picket-fence. Rows and rows of grave stones lined it. The most recent grave stone was engraved with the name:

Beloved brother and son

Percy quickly recognized him as his uncle who had died a few years before Percy's birth, killed by Voldemort personally. Percy briefly wondered what he was like; according to Tinky, he was a very kind man, worked a lot, and cared very much about the people he loved. Perhaps that was where his fatal flaw came from.

Percy walked to the next plot, only to find it... empty.

His mother had not been buried.

Salome Jackson had been the last of her family when she died, other than Percy who was just a baby at the time. No one had recovered her body, nor had a service for her. Tinky had been the only living creature remaining in the house for eighteen years afterwards.

Percy sighed heavily and knelt on the plot before the empty gravestone. With a wave of his wand, his birth mother's name was carved into the stone:


Percy thought about what to add. What could he add? What he knew of his birth mother was what Tinky had told him, which wasn't much in the end. The poor elf didn't like to talk about her previous owners much.

Eventually, Percy left it as that.


The son of Poseidon jumped and turned, facing Annabeth's cloudy face.

"Annabeth, what is it?" He asked her through the iris-message.

She was biting the inside of her cheek. "Severus is here," she said softly. "His guests will be arriving soon."


Less than half an hour later, Percy was sitting in his living room with his godfather, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange.

Narcissa sipped her tea with a quivering hand "I—I know I ought not to be here," she said quietly. "The Dark Lord himself forbade us to speak of this outside his—our—house."

"If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you would not to speak," Severus said pointedly, glancing at Bellatrix who was fiddeling with one of the items above the fire place. "Put it down, Bella, we mustn't touch what isn't ours."

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