XVII. The Graveyard

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Here we are... the chapter we've all been waiting for.


June 24th, 1995

The pounding in his head was what woke him initially. Then, as his brain woke with him, he realized that he was tied to the base of a damp stone statue in the middle of a graveyard, alone.

He groaned, trying to stay quiet. Someone must be around right? He strained against the ropes binding him but they were clearly magical, the tips of his fingers numb from being held so high above his shoulders.

Wincing as he forced his eyes to stay open, Percy looked around, trying to figure out where he was. There was no landmark except for the large mansion atop the hill overlooking the graveyard, as well as the stone angel marking one of the graves which Percy couldn't read from such a distance in the dark. There was a sort of hovel behind him, he could see it from the corner of his eye. Other than that, there was nothing but cawing crows flying over him and the growing pounding in his head. He was sure the statues were beginning to move of their own accord.

A long coughing-fit suddenly and achingly took over his lungs and he spluttered, his guise of unconsciousness blown as soon after, a figure appeared in the light of a dim fire in front of him. His lungs ached; it felt like they were bleeding.

The figure was now in front of him, so close that Percy could smell the stench of his breath. Squinting, Percy managed to make out some features; the largeness of the man's body and the excessive hair on his rat-like hands and face. His eyes were wild and, if possible, manic.

"P-Percy," he stammered, voice rough and weak, "y-you are so big now! You have grown! Y-you look so much like- S-Sally-y, d-d-darling S-Sally."

It took a few moments for Percy to realize who was in front of him. When he did, he lunged at him, straining on his binds to the point that the ropes began cutting into him, chaffing at the skin of his wrists. Percy had never felt such fury before, and his temper got the best of him. He started shouting. "You! YOU FOUL RAT! YOU SOLD MY PARENTS TO VOLDEMORT! YOU COWARD! HOW CAN YOU EVEN LIVE?! YOU-"

"Wormtail!" Came another voice. It was so chilling, so deadly that it silenced Percy as shivers ran down his spine. He knew that voice. "Keep our guest silent."

"Y-yes, m-m-master," Pettigrew obeyed and turned back to Percy, "I did what I had to do to survive, Perseus," he said, strangely confident in his words, "they meant nothing to me anyhow."

"I WILL KILL-" Percy was cut off before he could finish, gagged by a piece of material being shoved into his mouth. He coughed and spluttered but Peter had aimed it just right; stuck.

"You will not find regret from me, Percy," he said, "I can only offer you a chance- a chance to join me, your uncle Wormtail, at my Lord's side. I will not tell him of your true lineage if you do. He will reward you greatly-" with one deep glare from Percy, he stopped, puffed out his chest and nodded, "very well. We will see for how long that lasts. You are one of us, or you are our enemy. Choose your side carefully, Perseus." With that, Wormtail was gone, leaving Percy alone.


The sky did not change color here. There was no difference between day and night as far as Percy could tell. Wormtail made no indication either. The rat said nothing to him at all. A large cauldron had appeared out of nowhere, just a few steps in front of the stone angel. It couldn't be a good sign, especially since there was whispering inside the hovel, an urgent whisper. Percy briefly wondered whether people were urgently looking for him.

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