XII. The Second Task

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AN: Some people may have guessed right... read to find out ;)


February 19th, 1995

Later, Percy sat silently in the bathroom beside the toilet, panting. Her voice echoed in his ears even now. He flushed the toilet, looking away as the vomit went down the pipes. He still felt the bile in his throat, waiting to give way for his nerves and shock to leave him. He stayed in there all afternoon.

"Come on, Percy!" Draco's voice said from the other side of the door; it seemed as though he had returned yet again. Percy buried his head in his knees, trying to block out the ringing which echoed through them. Not just nerves - real fear.

"Yeah," Harry added.

Wait- were they agreeing? Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy? How were they even in the same room?

His thoughts were soon deterred by the others again. He could feel the beginnings of a migraine.

"Percy!" Harry yelled. "Please? Malfoy's giving me looks!"

"'Looks'? What is that supposed to mean?" Draco retorted.

"It means you're a prat and I hate you."

"Well... I hate you more!"

Percy rolled his eyes and got himself shakily to his feet, wobbling a bit. He opened the door just as wands were being drawn. The boys stopped in their step and lowered their weapons, both gazing at him with wide eyes. He guessed he looked like crap.

"You two argue like an old married couple from Manhatten," he mumbled as he strode over to his bed and flopped on it face first.

"Excuse me?" Harry shrieked. "Have you seen Annabeth and yourself?"


Percy held up his hand. "Don't talk about her now." Silence. He felt it and instantly knew that he had said the wrong thing. "I mean-"

"What happened?" Draco asked, sitting beside him on the bed. Harry followed, sitting on Percy's other side and put a hand on his back.

Percy slapped a hand to his forehead, looking at the carpeted floor beneath him. "I thought we established that we're not talking about Annabeth," he grumbled.

"Clearly we should," Harry said.

"Thanks, Wizard Obvious," Draco sneered.

"Oh, can you two shut up?!" Percy snapped, sitting up. "Gods, can't catch a break can I? Soon I'm going to be watching three wailing babies instead of just two!"

"Hey!— Wait, what?" Draco trailed.

"What?" Harry asked.

Draco continued as though he had not heard. "But... how?"

Percy rolled his eyes a bit as he sat up. "Do I need to give the Birds and the Bees talk?"

Draco turned redder, ears burning. "N-no! Just... how did you guys let it happen?"

A moment passed. "Accidentally?"

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