X. The Dark Mark

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December 25th, 1995

The following days were filled with quiet

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The following days were filled with quiet. Neither could look each other in the eye, too ashamed of what they had done. However, as no one had come to kill them yet despite the fact that the Prophecy had not been reached and that Arthur had survived, they decided that it was worth it. All for the quest, right? It's for the best?

When Christmas day rolled around, however, they politely declined the invitation to spend it at Grimmauld Place with the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione. Guilt and regret made it easy. They ignored the letter from Harry that followed.

They had decided to instead spend the day at home in bed, not talking, but in comfort with each other. Piper was meant to stop by later-

"Master Potter?"

Percy sighed and sat up slowly, honestly thankful to be drawn from his disturbing thoughts, and saw Tinky standing in the doorway with her ears folded down.

"It's, uh, Jackson now, Tinky," he tried to smile for the elf, but she didn't seem to hear.

"Sir, there are... visitors in the living room."

At that, Annabeth sat up. "Visitors? Plural?"

"Yes, Miss Chase," Tinky said, "the- the ones with the marks."

Percy and Annabeth exchanged glances before hurriedly jumping out of bed, trying to make it so that if they died today, they'd look good as ghosts in the Underworld.

"Thanks, Tinky," Percy said as he pulled on his shoe and made for the door. "Stay here and don't come out, alright?"

Downstairs, four Death Eaters were standing around. Well, three were standing still. The fourth was toppling things over from tables and crashing things to the ground.

Seeing them, the tallest one lowered his hood. Lucius Malfoy.

Percy plastered a smile on his face, "Mister Malfoy. How can we help you?"

Lucius glared. They were almost the same height. "It's time to face the Dark Lord, Potter."

"It's Jackson now, actually," Percy answered. He grabbed his and Annabeth's coats from the rack, handing hers to her as he slipped his on. "What do you make of his mood today? Just to gauge-"

"Percy," Annabeth groaned.

"Just asking," Percy defended himself. "We're ready when you are."


The mansion was, unfortunately, full of Death Eaters. As they entered through the fire with Malfoy and the other three on their tails, Percy spotted Narcissa Malfoy standing amongst them.

Lucius moved forward towards the other end of the room where Voldemort stood, isolated from the rest. The only one near him was a chubby cloaked figure, hunched over and shaking, and it didn't take Percy long to recognize him as Wormtail, the man responsible for the deaths of Lily and James and, of course, Cedric. Percy clenched his knuckles at his sides but sent a smile Peter's way. Wormtail froze.

"My lord," Lucius was saying, "we have brought them."

"Yes, I see that, Lucius. Well done," Voldemort said sarcastically. Lucius bowed his head and moved to Narcissa's side, leaving Percy and Annabeth without a wall between themselves and Voldemort. Percy looked at Annabeth, who looked back at him.

As long as we're together.

"Welcome to my forces, Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase."

Wait, what?

"My lord?" Percy questioned softly.


Glancing at each other once more, the two got onto their knees in front of the Dark Lord.

"Hold out your arms."

Slowly, they each pulled forward their left arms and rolled up their sleeves to the elbow, showing the bare skin, about to be tainted.

"I shall warn you, in courtesy of your success, this may hurt."

"Success?" Percy said before he could stop himself. "Arthur Weasley survived the attack and the Prophecy remains untouched, my lord."

He could practically feel Annabeth's glare on the side of his head, but he could stop himself from asking. Curiosity kills the cat.

Voldemort laughed emotionlessly, creating a ghastly echo throughout the large room of Malfoy Manor. "Why, it is not a failure. You revealed to us that we cannot merely take the prophecy on our own. That, and you allowed Harry Potter to open his mind to my own. Now, with time, I will be able to take over his mind... completely."

Percy kept his face void, but his heart was hammering against his chest so loudly he feared someone would hear it.

"Now," Voldemort continued, "on with the ceremony. As I said... this will be painful."

Percy was first, it seemed, as Voldemort cast a spell and an intense burning, like acid, took hold. Though it was nothing in comparison to blowing up in a literal volcano or drinking lava from a fire river or bathing in the Styx, it still hurt. When it was over, he was dazed for a few minutes as Annabeth received her mark.


Swallowing thickly, Percy looked down at his forearm. He knew what to expect but even then, when he saw it, he didn't quite believe it was real. The ink moved on his arm like it was real, slithering and crawling around him, dangerous and threatening. He never minded being in Slytherin whilst at Hogwarts but this was a bit much to celebrate it. A permanent reminder of what he was? One etched it his very skin? How was he meant to go swimming now? Plus, it totally didn't match with his tattoo from Camp Jupiter.

It was the Dark Mark.

'Hey look, I'm a Death Eater now!' Percy thought bitterly.


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