IX. Green Eyes

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January 4th, 1997

"She's beautiful," Piper said as she ran her fingertips across the baby's forehead

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"She's beautiful," Piper said as she ran her fingertips across the baby's forehead. The infant gurgled incoherently at the touch, pushing further into Piper's hand.

"She would be even more beautiful if she could let us sleep for even half the night," Annabeth grumbled, leaning her head against Percy where he sat on the arm of her chair. She had a smile on her face, however, as she held their baby girl.

Piper chuckled. She looked as tired as Annabeth did. An extra mission from Moody, according to her, but Percy thought there was more to it; he dared not bring up the subject. Despite the chaos, the last week had been amazing. Normal. He didn't want to disturb it. The scar on his arm tingled at the mere thought.

He brushed it off. Now was not the time for morbid thoughts. He checked his watch. 11:06. They were late.

"I have the biscuits!" Grover rumbled, coming in from the kitchen with a tray — or, well, what bits of the tray he hadn't eaten.

Tinky was on his heels, waving a rag at him. She looked furious. "Mister— gah! My favorite tray was that!"

Grover smiled at her sheepishly, skirting around the trio and the baby huddled by the fireplace. "I'm sorry, Miss Tinky, it just looked so good!"

Percy chuckled, grabbing a blue cookie off the tray. He took a bite, savoring the chocolate imbedded in the middle, before breaking a piece off and dangling it over the baby. She reached up for it, green eyes shining with curiosity, but Annabeth swatted his hand away. "Percy! She'll choke!"


Piper giggled behind her hand. "She's right. The baby's too small for that right now."

Annabeth gestured wildly —or else wildly as she could— towards Piper. "Thank you! He's been trying this all week!"

"Hey," Grover cut in, half the tray still in his mouth, "not to rush you guys but it isn't really convenient referring to the baby as... the baby."

"We'll let you know as soon as the boys arrive," Annabeth said, rocking the baby.

Not a minute later, the fireplace erupted into green flames and two boys tumbled out, landing on top of one another with a thud. Immediately, Draco pressed his hand into Harry's face, who unfortunately landed on the floor beneath the other boy, and climbed to his feet.

"Hey!" Harry groaned. "Ow!"

"Oh for crying out loud!" Draco complained, flipping his hair back as he finally straightened. "Stop complaining, Potter!"

"Says you, Malfoy," Harry retorted, quickly climbing up as well. It seemed as though they hadn't noticed the others in the room. "Sod," Harry added.


"That's right! Your a bloody sod!"

"I can't believe I kissed you!"

"I can't believe I let you kiss me!"

"Um, guys?" Percy finally cut in. Both boys turned, wide eyed and less than a foot apart. Percy smirked. "So... good journey?"

They glared at one another before Harry shrugged it off and came forward, quickly spotting the bundle in Annabeth's arms. His face paled slightly. "Is that really...?"

"Yes," Percy said, nodding his head in Annabeth's direction, "come meet her Hare-Bear."

Harry smiled softly. Percy could tell the nickname struck a familiar chord for the boy, who came over slowly as though approaching a wild animal. He peeked over the pink blankets, and his expression melted. "She's beautiful," he said quietly.

Percy glanced over Harry's shoulder at Draco. The boy was looking at his shoes, far away from them. Percy whistled quietly and gestured him over when he caught his eye. Draco approached just as slowly, like he wasn't supposed to be there, before looking over Harry's shoulder and down at the baby. "She is," he whispered, "really."

"Would you like to hold her?" Annabeth asked him, holding the bundle of baby out to Draco.

"M-me? But—"

"C'mon," Percy encouraged, "I'll help you." Without waiting, he stood and took the girl from Annabeth's arms, heart warming when she cooed at him. Piper led Draco to the opposite sofa and sat him down before Percy laid his baby in Draco's arms. Draco seemed frozen in place.

The baby suddenly stretched her arm out, reaching towards Draco's face. She grabbed his chin, touching his face as though it was completely foreign. Then again, Percy supposed it was.

"She's amazing," Draco said softly.

"She is, isn't she?" Annabeth asked, coming over to Draco's side and holding his shoulder. They exchanged bright smiles while Percy tugged Harry into his side.

"I still love you," he said softly, "so much."

Harry sighed softly and hugged him, wrapping his arms all the way around him. "I've missed you," Harry whispered.

Percy frowned and ruffled his hair. "What do you mean? I've always been right here."

Harry shook his head. "You've been distant. Faraway."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be."

"It's alright. Just... I feel like everything's going wrong, Percy. Cedric, Sirius, Voldemort being back."

"It's a lot, I know, but you'll be okay. I promise you that."

"How do you know?"

"Because you have me — and I'll protect you."

"What's her name?" Draco's voice cut in. Percy and Harry's moment was broken.

Annabeth and Percy exchanged glances, smiling at one another. Grover and Piper came closer in joined anticipation. "Her name is Salina. Salina Jackson."


Hey there! Happy New Year! Short chapter, but hopefully satisfying :)

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