VII. Malfoy Manor

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September 1st, 1995

Percy and Annabeth apparated to Grimmauld Place at quarter to seven that morning

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Percy and Annabeth apparated to Grimmauld Place at quarter to seven that morning. The whole house was alive, buzzing with activity as trunks were being packed and food was being prepared for breakfast and train lunches. Mad-Eye's voice could be heard from the other side of the house, even over Mrs. Black's screaming of: "FILTHY HALF-BREEDS! HALF-BREEDS IN MY HOUSE!"

"Bloody hell," Ron exclaimed from upstairs as Percy rushed to pull the curtains closed with a spell, muffling the voice of Walburga Black.

"I though I'd have gotten used to that by now," Percy muttered. He looked over his shoulder at his girlfriend —no, his fiancé!— and saw her smiling at him with a goofy expression. "What?"

Annabeth didn't reply and instead shook her head and took his hand. She lead the way down the corridor to the kitchen, dodging owls and floating trunks and Sirius's shaggy dog form. "Morning, Sirius," Percy called as they passed. The dog whined in response, tilting its head in the direction of their interlocked hands. Of course, hardly anyone knew of his and Annabeth's relationship - they barely knew Annabeth at all.

Inside the kitchen, cutlery and crockery were flying through the air to the various seats at the large dining table, the smell of bacon so strong that Percy might have choked on it had he not craved some; they'd overslept.

Mrs Weasley bustled past them, counting their forms and not their faces. She muttered, "Extra pair for breakfast, I'll have to squeeze some more lemons-"

It was that moment that the twins chose to apparate downstairs into the kitchen, almost landing on the table in the process, and gave Mrs Weasley a startle. "Boys!" She screeched.

"Calm down, Mum, they're just being idiots," Ron's voice said as he came into the kitchen, followed by Hermione and, albeit more slowly, Harry.

"He's right about that!" Percy said over the chaos of the kitchen.

The twins looked over at him and crossed their arms. "Says the guy who got caught in the girls' lavatory first year, by Filch no less!" George said pointedly.

Percy felt himself blush as the room burst into laughter. "It was the first day and I couldn't find the boys bathrooms! Plus, what was Filch doing in there?"

As they all howled with laughter again, Percy felt a shadow at his side and turned to see Harry standing next to him. Harry was coming just past Percy's shoulder now, though his wild hair made up a couple more inches for him.


"Hi," Harry said, almost shyly. "Where- where've you been?"

Percy felt himself blush again as he said, "Around, busy. Listen, can I talk to you... in private?"

"Uh, yeah?" Harry said, looking anxious, and Percy figured he should have mentioned it was good news. He took Harry by the arm and steered him out of the kitchen to the large living room at the other end of the corridor, Annabeth following at a distance. They entered and shut the door behind them, Annabeth remaining there as Percy and Harry went to stand by the fireplace.

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