XIV. A Talk with Severus

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TW (don't read if you don't want a spoiler) miscarriage.


March 9th, 1995

Talking. Sometimes its not that exactly. It's more... a method of communication, such as a glance with unspoken words; in other cases acts, sacrifices made that speak of love and protection.

That did not make sense at all.

Percy sighed loudly, fed up. Not even pain could distract that - he'd gone numb a few hours ago. Usually that wasn't a good sign, but Percy had had enough of bad signs for one day and chose instead to distract himself with... whatever there was to distract himself with. There wasn't much, obviously; a couple of shadows, some floating clouds. Hedwig, too. She'd flown up from the owlery and landed on one of the cell's bars and stared at him until he came and put his arm out for her to perch on.

As though she knew she was being thought of, Hedwig chirped loudly and pushed her fluffy head against his chin, making Percy chuckle and smile. He tickled her underchin and watched her snuggle into the little warmth he had. "Hey, girl."

They stood like that for a long time, watching the moon rise to its peak and begin to sink to the other side. Percy wondered why Hedwig was even with him. They had never had an attachment -she was Harry's bird, after all- but seeing her fuss in her own owl-ish way made Percy think that she knew what Harry had done - and was there to spite him.

He chuckled at his own thoughts.

"Well," he murmured, "I don't really care. As long as you're not trying to kill me, pummel me with old food or fake an apology, then I will be glad for the company tonight." She twitted in response and nibbled his nose affectionately, pushing her face in front of his own.

Hedwig suddenly stopped, her head turning at a full 180 degrees towards the door. Percy followed her gaze, narrowing his hearing, and heard footsteps ascending the stairs. He looked at the bird, "You'd better go, girl. Thank you for the visit."

She seemed to hesitate for a moment, letting Percy look deep into her big eyes before she flew up and around the turret in a flurry of snowy feathers.

Percy swallowed thickly and looked back, unknowing of what to expect. He gripped Riptide which had returned to him even after the aurors took it off him when they did his wand.

The door opened and the figures crept out into the half light. Percy faltered.


He met her at the bars, if only to touch each other's hands.

Annabeth, surprisingly, had tears in her eyes. Her face was blotchy and pale in the moonlight, like she had been sick. "Seaweed Brain." In fact, she was sobbing.

Percy frowned, cupping her cheek. "Hey," he whispered, "what's wrong?"

"Annabeth," Severus said, appearing beside her, hand on her shoulder, "we don't have time now."

She hiccuped and nodded, wordlessly, and Percy couldn't help but dread what he would hear later. "Why are you guys here?" He asked, looking between them.

"Our plan," said Severus, grinning; a rare sight. "It's in motion."

"What plan?"

"You'll see," said Annabeth, still gripping his hand. "Just play along."

A couple minutes of silence went by. Percy longed to ask Annabeth what the matter was, why she was crying, but she didn't meet his eyes, even when he tried to speak. Finally, more footsteps. Percy looked between his godfather and girlfriend curiously, but neither gave anything away.

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