X. The Yule Ball

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December 24th, 1994

Annabeth Chase was never one for showing off. She had no time for it if she wanted to stay alive. She survived off stringy old hair-ties and a near-expired can of deodorant that was tucked in at the bottom of her backpack and, of course, her dagger.

However, as the night she imagined to be the best of her life drew nearer, Annabeth found herself growing nervous.

She was hardly ever nervous, especially for something so... simple. It was just a school dance. She had been before, nothing was new; though, did the dance at Westover Hall really count...?

But this was different. This was her entrance into Percy's world, into the home he has survived in, to see the friends he has known years longer than her. Sure, it was not going to be her first time at a magical event in the Wizarding World but it just felt different - more important.

Yet, in the back of her mind, Annabeth couldn't help but wonder if it was all true. The pit of her self-conscious anxiety crept up her throat in a bile as she stared down at the dress she had bought specifically and specially for the ball. It was rather plain, which didn't help her mind, and made her body look... strange. The only thing which fitted was the promise ring on her finger.

"You look lovely."

Annabeth jumped high and turned around, only to see the golden curls and hazel eyes of a friend.

"Hazel!" She exclaimed, a smile overtaking her nervous frown as she ran to hug the younger girl. "What are you doing here? Wait-"

Hazel held up a hand, "Relax, honey, don't think I don't know where you're going. Hectate's weasel-thing likes to grumble in horse."

Alright... Annabeth decided not to ask.

"So," she continued instead, "you know about Percy and Piper?"

"Yup," Hazel grinned, "they don't know that I know, though, so neither of you should mention that."


"You and Jason, of course. Shame. It's only poor Leo and Frank who don't know about this magical wand-waving school at this point. And that two of our friends are some of those wand-wielders."

Annabeth frowned, "True..."

"You ready to go then?" Hazel asked. "Mind you, we still have to pick Jason up- I only didn't bring him here with me because he begged for more time to try and cover up that little scar of his. I told him that Piper wouldn't care but you know Jason-"

"Hazel," Annabeth chuckled, "you're rambling."

The girl's cheeks darkened with a blush. "Sorry. Anyways, are you ready?"

Annabeth sighed at that, looking at herself in the mirror once more. "Am I?"

"You're stunning."

"But am I enough?"

"Annabeth," she watched as Hazel came closer, standing behind her and setting her smaller hand on the older girl's shoulder. "You are enough. Percy loves you, don't doubt that. But you have to love yourself too."

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