XII. Sectumsempra

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April 6th, 1997

They say bad luck comes in sets of threes

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They say bad luck comes in sets of threes. Percy thought this was rubbish but he had to believe in something, especially when he felt like Tartarus would be a better option than the current state of his life.

The day had started out normally. Or as normally as war-times could possibly be. Percy and Annabeth had been invited to an Order meeting at Hogwarts. It had been less eventful than expected, with no real news other than Remus' negative report on werewolf activities in the North of England. They were all gearing up to join Voldemort, sick of the shadow the Ministry had cast them in. In a demented sort of way, Percy understood. As a pawn under the foot under the games of the gods, he understood what it was like to want more to one's name than what there is.

After the meeting, Percy and Annabeth joined Severus and Mary, who had traveled all the way from America for the update on the looming war, for tea in Sev's chambers and had brought Silena along. The poor girl was exhausted from being passed around between Sev and Mary and Molly Weasley all day. Mary rocked her in her arms. "I wish you were still this size, Percy," she said.

"Grew up too quickly did I?" He asked cheekily.

"Grew up?" Annabeth scoffed. "Percy, you are the least grown up adult I know. Other than Leo."

"No one can take the place of Mister Valdez," Severus said with a grimace. The rest of them laughed.

Silena yawned widely in Mary's arms and began reaching for Annabeth, who took her and cuddled her close. "We should be going," she said softly, looking over at Percy, "our girl is tired."

Percy smiled and nodded, standing. "Yes. It's long past her bedtime. She's exhausted." He bent over to pick up the baby bag, only to jump when he heard a crash. "What the-"

"Severus!" Mary screeched.

Percy dropped the bag and darted over to Severus, who was shaking on his knees. In the background, Silena began to cry and Mary dashed out to find Madam Pomfrey.

"Sev?" Percy asked worriedly, putting a hand on his godfather's shoulder. "Sev!"

"I'm fine," Severus gasped, pushing himself up. "Percy— it's Draco. He's dying."

Percy's eyes widened and he exchanged glances with Annabeth. She held their daughter close to her chest, a new protective gaze illuminated in her grey orbs. "Go," she said. Percy nodded and raced out the door. The kids made way for him, pressing against the walls to avoid being trampled. Percy headed to the great hall first, where he found Ron and Hermione... but no Harry.

"Where's Harry?" He panted, coming up behind them. The two jumped. Hermione turned so fast Percy thought she might get whiplash.

"He- he went out after Malfoy a few minutes ago," she said. "Why? What's the matter?"

Percy swallowed thickly. He and Ron exchanged looks before Percy shook his head. "Stay here." At the doors, he turned left and right until he saw Ginny Weasley standing with Katie Bell. Hold on — Katie Bell?

That explains a lot.

He went up to them slowly. Although he'd been friends with Katie while at school, Ginny had never been very fond of him. Perhaps it was his Slytherin blood and Ginny's bad experience with snakes... Percy wasn't sure. "Hi," he stammered, "have either of you seen Harry or Draco Malfoy?" Ginny frowned and shook her head but Katie nodded. "Yes, they were heading upstairs." Percy muttered a thanks and went on.

The next person he found was Moaning Myrtle. She was a face he hadn't seen in years. "Why if it isn't little Percy Potter. I heard you got married and had a... baby. It is all a ruse to hide your love for me, isn't it?"

"Um... no. Myrtle, I need you help."

She had begun to sob. "Oh dear! Oh dear!"

"Myrtle, where are Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter?"

That silenced her. She grinned. "They are having a lovers tiff."


"Why should I tell you? You, who left me here like everybody else."

"Myrtle," Percy sneered. He watched as her eyes met his, and her milky orbs widened at the storm swirling in his own.

"Girls bathroom, third floor," she said softly.

Percy nodded. "Thank you."

Percy Potter had been chased by monsters for the majority of his life now, and he had never before run so fast. He had hardly reached the door of the bathroom when he heard the screaming and sobbing coming from inside. He ripped open the door and sprinted inside.


So much blood.

He cursed loudly as he came around the corner. It all seemed to happen in slow motion from there: seeing Harry knelt over Draco as the boy bled out in the water, sobbing and spluttering and Harry quivering, his hands covered in blood and wand discarded in the murky water.

Percy won't pretend that he didn't shove Harry back, or that he had to hold himself back from hexing the boy. He was too focused on the blood, the agony of the boy dying in the water before him, to really care. Percy leaned over Draco's quivering form and took his hand. "Breathe," he told Draco. "Just breathe."

"P-P-Per- it h-hurts-"

"I know," he whispered, "just breathe, okay?"


"Sh," Percy cooed, moving Draco's head into his lap. He picked up his wand and whispered the reverse incantation for the slicing spell. Severus had taught it to him — just in case. Anyone could find the Half Blood Prince's lost book of Hexes after all. Only, Percy didn't realize how close it really was. Not until it was too late. Slowly, the cuts closed and the blood stopped flowing, leaving only stains and scars behind.

They lay there for a long time after that. Draco was shivering in the water, and around them were broken shards of mirror and pipe and blood. Harry had vanished, hopefully to do something useful, and the two were alone.

"You should have let me die," Draco whispered.

Percy shook his head, taking the younger boy's hand. "I'm not going to do that, ever. I'll protect you until my last breath. I can promise you that."

Before Draco could reply, Madam Pomfrey came bustling inside, looking stressed and enraged. McGonagall, Severus, Mary and Annabeth were close behind. McGonagall gasped upon seeing the damage, and Mary looked rather ill. Pomfrey came to Draco's side, beginning to cast incantations and spells Percy didn't know. Draco passed out with his head in Percy's lap, and although his legs were becoming numb beneath him, Percy dared not move.

In the corner of his eye, Percy spotted Harry behind the farthest lavatory door. The boy looked gaunt, and rightfully so. Percy hoped Harry would remember this forever. He deserved it.

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