VII. Bonding

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TW: a bit of self-harm, violence.


November 15th, 1994

Dear Percy,
I am not someone who you know, but rather someone who knows you. My name is Mary McDonald, your godmother. This may come as a surprise, seeing as you might not even know that I exist when you read this. As I understand it, however, you do know of your true lineage, including your true mother, Sally. Severus recently contacted me, saying that you were given a letter from Dumbledore, one written by Sally herself before she died.
I understand if you wish not to meet me, or ever have contact with me in either of our lifetimes. However, I feel that I owe you an explanation and perhaps, if you wish, more knowledge about the family you don't know.
The choice is yours my godson. Whatever you choose, I will support your wishes. However, you should know that I care about you deeply. If you hate me for leaving you, I understand, the Dursleys are cruel people but at the time I thought it would be best for you.
Please, if you wish for contact, if only to tell me that I am a cruel, evil woman, please do so.
Your godmother,
Mary McDonald.


Looking back on the past few months, Harry James Potter could not fathom why he was being such an arse. He often thought about it but brushed it off again. But now - now it was just getting into his head.

So, what prompted this? Well, it was probably watching as his brother suffer to the point of near no return.

Neville was rambling about some plant or another, going on and on about its uses and properties and various forms which Harry didn't care for. His dinner was going cold in the plate; Harry had no appetite after the meeting with Skeeter. He was not looking forward to the next edition to her articles.

He looked up when a wave of blonde hair passed in the corner of his eye. He watched Malfoy go past without a word, which made Harry even more curious as to where he was going.

"Erm, got to go, Neville- homework."

"Oh, erm... bye then," Neville sounded disappointed, but Harry didn't have time to stay, not with Malfoy already moving so quickly.

He followed from a distance, making sure he wasn't seen by Draco. He ran to keep up around corners and dodged around statues whenever Draco looked over his shoulder. He seemed to be heading to the Astronomy tower.

Draco seemed to pick up the pace when they reached the staircase, rushing up them three at a time at a pace which Harry didn't think was possible, but he followed anyway.

At the top, Harry ducked under the main landing beneath the two sets of feet above. They were whispering hurriedly.

"Stop!" Draco was saying, "Please! You're hurting yourself!"

"I don't care," the other voice replied, forcing a surge of anger into Harry's throat. "Draco, I can't do this anymore!"

Do what? Harry wondered. What the hell was Percy moping about now?

"Please, Percy!" Draco begged, making Harry's eyes widen. "You're going to kill yourself soon, you have to eat and-"

"Maybe that's what I intend to do."

The words sent a cold shiver down Harry's spine and suddenly, the anger was gone, replaced by guilt and a horrifying sense of loss and panic.

"Percy..." Draco whispered.

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