X. Poisoned Mead

17 0 0

March 1st, 1997

Bright light flooded the room

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Bright light flooded the room. Percy groaned loudly as he tried to block out the light. It felt like he had only just fallen asleep after putting Salina down. "Bugger off, please!"

"Percy," Annabeth groaned. "Percy get up!"

"Argh!" Percy snapped, sitting up and facing the light. "What now?" He paused, however, when his brother's distraught face came into view. Worry flooded Percy's mind. Harry never used Iris Messaging. "Harry? What's wrong?"

"It's Ron," he said, voice shaky. "He's been poisoned."


The halls were silent in the dead of night. The only light came from Mr Filch's lamp, leading him upstairs, and the distant echo of Mrs Norris' meows.

"So," Percy trailed uncomfortably, "how's things? Any... good detentions lately?" 

Filch growled at him. Percy shut up.

The corridors led them to the familiar double doors of the hospital wing. Harry and an old man Percy remembered as Professor Slughorn sat outside. Harry sat on the floor, head in his hands, and the professor paced up and down repeatedly in a manner than made Percy a little concerned: guilty. At the footsteps they both looked up and Harry bounced to his feet. "Percy!"

Percy caught Harry in a fierce hug. Harry clung to him like he needed it in order to survive. By the time the younger boy pulled away, Filch and his lamp had disappeared, leaving them in the dark. Percy withdrew his wand, "Lumos."

"Thank you dear boy, thank you," Slughorn murmured. Percy held back the urge to roll his eyes. Instead he turned back to Harry, gripping his shoulder with his free hand. "Tell me everything."

Harry glanced over his shoulder to the professor, whose grimace seemed to double. Harry visibly swallowed before telling Percy everything: about the enchanted chocolates from Romila Vain, their trip to Professor Slughorn, the poisoned mead and finally, the bezoar. At the end, Percy was still focused on the enchanted chocolates.

"So let me get this straight... a professor poured you wine?"

Harry grimaced. "Yes."

"And you drank it?"

"No! I mean I was going to —Ron did!— but I didn't!"

Percy cocked an eyebrow before smirking. "Just pulling your leg. Seriously though, it's hard to believe." With narrowed eyes, Percy looked over Harry's shoulder at the professor in question, who looked as red as a tomato with embarrassment and shame.

The darkness was lifting now. The sun was peaking through the windows over the horizon. Percy pocketed his wand and hugged Harry again. "I'm proud of you," he said softly, "you saved Ron's life."

"Why? I'm the reason we had to go to Professor Slughorn's office in the first place!"

"It was an accident, Harry," Percy said sternly, "how could you have known those chocolates delivered to you —which Ron ate by the way— were enchanted? Or that the wine was poisoned?"


"Nope. This isn't your fault, Harry."

Harry slowly gave in, melting into Percy's embrace. "You're going to be a good dad, Percy."

Percy remembered a conversation not so long ago where Harry said otherwise. Of course Harry had been enchanted then and probably didn't mean a word, but the message had stuck with Percy ever since. "I pity your child for having you as a father." Percy couldn't help but smile now. "Thank you."

Before another word could be uttered, a series of footsteps thundered up the stairs. Harry, Percy and Professor Slughorn —who tried to make himself one with the wall— turned to see Molly Weasley, followed by the rest of her family, clattering into the hall. "Where is he?!" She roared. "Where is that no-good slug!"

Simultaneously, Percy and Harry pointed to Slughorn. Percy would never admit to Molly that he thoroughly enjoyed the show.


Ron was fine in the end. After a rather one-sided conversation, Ron was a single man again. On the bright side, Hermione looked far happier than when she'd come in that morning, still dressed in her nightclothes. Not to mention, Ron was being showered with attention from all directions: parents, teachers, siblings. Hell, even Dumbledore showed up. Percy had to stop himself chasing after the man when he did not even spare Percy a glance.


Percy walked up to Harry, who was still sat with Hermione and Ginny at Ron's bedside, and tapped him on the shoulder. Harry looked up, eyes tired and slightly red. Percy smiled gently, "I'll be heading off now."


"Yeah, I need to get back. Annabeth has this schedule going and soon it'll be my turn to take over so she can— you know what, never mind, you don't care."

Harry chuckled softly. "Thank you, Percy. For coming I mean."

"Of course," Percy replied. "Always."

They stared at each other for another minute before Harry stood and gave him a hug. Then Percy left — but he didn't leave the grounds. He had other things to do first.

He trekked across the school to the familiar griffin statue and muttered different sweet names until the statue turned, revealing the twisted tunnel of stairs. Percy grunted to himself and started climbing. At the top, he was not so surprised to find the door open. It slid shut behind him.

"Percy Potter," Dumbledore greeted too calmly, "Or should I say Jackson? It's been far too long. I hear you have a little girl now?"

"Yes," Percy said, hoping his tone was polite. "Two months old already."

"Ah. Christmas Miracles. Toffee?" Dumbledore had lumbered back to his desk from a bookshelf and now held out a bowl of sweets. None of this was new.

Percy declined. "I'm here to talk about Draco Malfoy. His attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes are becoming too dangerous. It's time you put a stop to it."

Dumbledore hummed, as though truly taking Percy's words into consideration. Then he sighed. "Unfortunately, Mister Jackson, I cannot."

"Why? First Katie Bell with the curse and now Ron Weasley with the poison?"

"How do you know the poison was Mister Malfoy's doing?"

Percy cocked an eyebrow, showing a deadpanned look, and Dumbledore sighed again. "Yes yes. However, my answer remains."

"So does my question: why?"

"His task still stands," he said. "If he does not kill me, he and his family will perish. He must show his attempts to stay alive, however brutal they are."

"There is no need for that! Move Draco and his parents away from the war, put them into hiding. There's no need to cause more trouble."

"You know as well as I, Percy, that hiding is not the solution. Your mother, Sally, thought it was. James and Lily thought the same. Look where it led them."

"Don't forget that you advised it," Percy hissed, temper rising. He watched as the goblet of water on the desk shook. "In my mind, they died because of you."

Dumbledore did not look shaken by these words. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "I suppose that is the end of our conversation then?"

Percy huffed and stood. "Apparently so."

Hogwarts was flooded by the time he left the grounds.

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