VI. The Four Champions

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Shorter chapter, sorry :(


October 2nd, 1994

It seemed as though Percy was getting worse and still. As September came and went, the son of Poseidon found himself... slacking.

It wasn't to say he did it on purpose; it just... happened. He'd wake up in the morning and simply be unable to get out of bed. He'd manage to chow down some food, only for it to come back up twenty minutes later. He'd look at the scars on his body and wonder if he deserved it.

The world around him did not help at all either. Since that night where he'd discovered his true heritage, he'd been avoiding his friends, knowing all they would do would be staring at him with eyes full of pity, even Draco. Harry had not spoken to him in over a month, avoided him at all costs it seemed, and Percy could not even speak to Severus for they were not on the best terms. Not to mention, he couldn't communicate with the outside world either; Fleecy's messages would cut off within minutes of a conversation with Annabeth or Grover or practically anyone outside of Hogwarts. Any letters he sent were not returned -though the owls did in a fluster of feathers and wind- and any other method of communication was just not working. Percy had a feeling it was not something to do with the gods this time, but rather another powerful being - one that was too powerful.

All in all, Percy was not having a good term, as one can probably guess.

That afternoon, Percy finally managed to motivate himself enough to get up and venture out of the dorms. Going around in circles, trying to decide between heading towards the lake or the Forbidden Forest or going to Potions, what should have been his last class for the day. Instead, Percy found himself heading up the long, winding stairs to the top of the astronomy tower. It would be empty now seeing as it was still light, so Percy made his way up alone.

He hit the railing separating the floor from the distant ground. It didn't look that far down actually.

Turning away, Percy sat himself down in the corner, staring up at the fluttering birds as his thoughts pulled him deeper into his own mind. He pulled out a cigarette that he'd managed to pinch off of one of the boys in the dormitory, lighting it with a simple spell, and took a long puff. It was actually rather calming.

Voices suddenly startled him. He didn't turn to see who it was, hoping they would just go away.

They didn't.

As they got to the top of the stairs, Percy recognized the footfalls of Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"I'm telling you," Harry was saying, "this dream means something!"

"It's just a graveyard, Mate," Ron said.

"And Wormtail?"

Wormtail? Percy wondered. The name sounded familiar but he couldn't pinpoint from where...

"Well, for one I- Percy!" Hermione suddenly said. Percy rolled his eyes slightly, inhaling more smoke. He liked Hermione, truly, but she had a habit of making matters between him and Harry more... complicated.

"Shouldn't you three be in class?" He asked, blowing the smoke out and watching it billow before him.

"Shouldn't you?" Harry retorted, tone sour.

Percy glanced at his little brother, dipping the cigarette. "Seventh year privileges."

"Be that as it may," Hermione began with her 'mother-hen' tone, "that gives you no excuse to be smoking!"

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