XVI. The Sacking of Dolores

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June 18th, 1996

Harry James Potter was quite content with his life at this point in time

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Harry James Potter was quite content with his life at this point in time.

Despite Dumbledore's banishment and Umbridge's rule of terror over Hogwarts (not to mention the most hectic academic period in his years of schooling) he was happy. Percy and Annabeth had just been married, the end of the year was approaching, no one had died, OWL's were nearly over and he was with Draco Malfoy.

Truthfully, Harry had always liked Malfoy. It was part of why he hated him so much. That had, of course, changed at the wedding after one too many glasses of fire-whiskey. After snogging in clear view of everyone there —including Professor Snape of all people— it was quite clear that they were no longer just enemies.

However, public perception was a thing. They kept it under wraps and no one suspected a thing — not even Hermione as far as Harry could tell. Then again, she had figured out that Professor Lupin was a werewolf months before Harry did, and then it was literally shoved in his face.

Harry shook his head. She would have said something by now, he was sure of it. After all, Draco Malfoy? Draco Malfoy?

The Potter boy tried his best to shove the thoughts from his brain and focus on his exam, but he couldn't help but glance at Draco sitting across the hall, back straight, eyes cast down and hand moving as quick as lightning across the parchment. Harry sometimes forgot how smart Draco really was. Unlike Hermione, his brilliance was subtle and subdued, only visible at his weakest hours like when he was bent over a cauldron, mixing herbs and other ingredients as Harry watched from the corner, failing to memorize a text book in his lap.

Again, Harry shook his head. He was getting seriously distracted. After a quick glance at Umbridge sat in front beside the ticking clock, he cast his eyes back to the parchment and frowned at the question. He was good at transfiguration but geez—

Suddenly, there was rumbling. It was soft at first but quickly became more violent. For a while Harry wondered if he was dreaming when the ink pot tipped over all over his exam, making it illegible. Others looked up. Hermione, a few tables across, looked about ready to murder someone. Umbridge looked especially startled, much to Harry's satisfaction, as she started across the great hall towards the doors.

Before she even reached them, the doors blew open. A popping explosion of color and fire-crackers lit up the room, blowing exam papers away, forcing desks apart and making students scurry to the sides of the hall. At the helm of the chaos was, to no one's surprise, none other than the Weasley twins. They flew high above them on their brooms, tossing enchanted crackers which burst into fireworks. Umbridge's shouting was drowned out in the noise. Harry couldn't help but grin; this was what had been missing.

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