~Chapter 11~

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Y/n - notes  (You can skip this chapter if you think It's boring, it simply says what happens in the glade and a little about y/n's feelings)

WCKD - 29 July  -  11:02 am Thomas just got sent up in the box. He got thrown in the pit because he ran. Now, he's with Alby talking. I don't really know if the memory wipe worked on him, or not. But I think it didn't work. I'm going to try talking to him later.

WCKD - 30 July - 03:56 am I talked to Thomas and he didn't get his memories stolen from him. They're sending up Teresa today. I really miss her... 

WCKD - 31 July - 09:44 pm Teresa is in the glade. She's in some kind of coma. I can talk to her, whenever I hear her voice in my head, I calm down. Even though I can't see her, hearing her voice lights up my day. 

Thomas has made friends, he has the same friends as before the maze. Newt and Minho. The Ivy trio. I thought they would be great friends. Only Gally doesn't really like Thomas. He says he brings trouble, well, maybe he does but that's not his fault. Not really.

Chuck gave Thomas the tour and Chuck was really enthusiastic about it.

WCKD - 1 august - 06:20 pm Thomas ran in the maze. I could've thought he would do that. Alby and Minho were hurt, well Alby was hurt and Minho wouldn't leave him. I don't blame Thomas or anything tho, I would've done the same.

Teresa is still in a coma. That's why she can always talk to me and I don't feel too alone. 

WCKD - 5 August - 12:18 am Thomas is a runner now and Teresa woke up from a coma. She doesn't talk to me that much at day. She mostly talks to me at night, before she goes to sleep.

I do wonder what happens with Rachel and Aris. I tried to talk to them but they don't reply. They probably just can't hear me or something. Maybe there's some distance it can work, but they're too far?

Y/n pov - 7 August

I'm taking some notes. Ugh, those stupid notes. I have two kinds of notes. MY notes and the notes I have to give WCKD. MY notes are in some little book, in my pocket, or somewhere in my room.

My mom comes in with some guards following her. I have no idea why though.

"Y/n, you have to come with us," she says.

"Hi, mom! Okay, but why?" I ask. I really want to know because she never got me from 'work' before.

"Project 7," she says coldly. 


"You can't do that to me! I'm your daughter! How can you even do that to someone?! How inhumane can you be?!" I say in a sad and angry voice.

How much more promises is she going to break?!

"Yes I can, and it's not my choice. And you'll not call me mom ever again. You call me Chancellor Paige or Mrs. Paige. And your name isn't y/n anymore. It' subject C. If someone asks, you have to say it or there will be consequences. You may don't know it, but we placed something in your shoulder that gives you pain if you don't do what we say."

What in the world is happening...? How-? 

I just stare, in shock, at my mom - no sorry, 'ChAncElLoR PaiGE' while the guards take me away. My face doesn't show any emotion, but I feel plenty of it: shock, fear, anger, disappoinment in my m- MrS. PaiGE. The guards throw me in some cell. It's the cell where everyone is that will be going to project seven. I'm not alone. There's someone else with me. It's a girl... 

"Thana?" I ask. She looks at me. Yes, It's Thana. The friend of the WCKD-bully. I wonder why they took her here in this cell. We don't say anything, but it's not awkward.


I have much time to think and think about project seven. We had to learn all kinda things, like what project three means, project four, or project seven. There are so many more projects... I had written it down in my notebook. Not all, we can't even know all, but I know a few.

Project three- Get's injected with the flare, and they see how long it takes for them to turn.

Project four- Get's thrown in the scorch. They have to survive one week in there. It's some kind of punishment. Most people come back after that week if they aren't dead because they don't want to live in the scorch and it's hard to find things as food. If they return and they have the flare, then they get killed.

Project five- Has to go to the maze

Project six- Gets locked up somewhere, with a griever. It's to test the grievers. The ones that succeed to kill the victim get placed in the maze, the ones that fail get taken care of, as in delete from this world, as in killed even though they aren't really living things.

Project seven- It's a mix of torture, mentally breaking someone, and some other things. The people that don't do this, get just enough food not to die. Luckily almost no one does this project

It's dumb they even to things as these projects to people. I think they would talk differently about these crazy things if they had to gone through that.

A/n: Hi there! I hope you liked the chapter!

By the way, if someone would like someone else to make a cover for them, I love making book-covers, so just send me! :D (If you would do that, then you say what it's about and what you want it to be on it, if you have no idea and you want me to surprise you, that can too. If you don't know a title I can always help you :D If you want to ask me why I do this, Well, I'm bored and I like stories :D And making covers :D and helping people :D And- Okay I'll stop  👁👄👁)

- Jasmien xxx

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