~Chapter 14~

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Y/n POV 

Some guards brought us food. It wasn't much, but I'm glad we got to eat something.

I don't know how long we have been here. If it's hours, days, weeks, maybe months but I don't think we've been here a month already.

I heard some guards say that they're going to start our trail in not a long time. We really need to escape. I kinda hope that Thana and Emily are going to come with me. I don't want to be alone, and they're not that bad. Emily isn't that mean to me, and I'm used to it anyways.

We don't talk much. We just ask useless questions to each other.

"What are your favorite colors? Mine is purple, lilac," Thana starts a conversation. I think she already knows Emily's but maybe not. I'm glad she starts talking, I'm very bored.

"My favorite color is dark blue 'cuz it reminds me of the night. I love the night. It's silent and the stars look beautiful..." Emily says, whilst flashing Thana a small smile.

"Mine is ocean blue because I love the ocean. The most at night, when the stars are reflected in the water," I say. "I actually have never seen the see in real life... And if we don't get out of here, I will probably never see it."

 It was silent for a few minutes when it was my turn to ask a question. "What are your favorite animals?" I ask. "My favorite animal as a butterfly, they seem so free in the air, between flowers and green grass..."

"I love Hedgehogs. They are cute..." Thana blows her hair out of her face.

"I don't have a favorite animal," Emily says.

Then there was, once again, silence.


Only the sound of people breathing and sometimes footsteps in the hallway.

With the gladers...

The gladers have found their way out. Teresa and Thomas are worried about y/n, because she doesn't talk to them, but they didn't think much of it. Teresa and Thomas told the gladers about y/n and that their own memories didn't get wiped. They gave, somehow, with one of the things y/n had made, some of their memories back. So, they remembered y/n, or who she was when they knew each other. WCKD doesn't know about it, no one speaks of it when it isn't necessary. 

"We did it... We're out..." Teresa says whilst walking into some room, where dead bodies are spread all over the floor.

Thomas walks in with all the other gladers - that survived - following behind him.

"So they were analyzing us... All this time.." Newt says. Yes, they were, but not from there. That place they are is some fake lab. It's not fake, but they didn't really use it either. It's too close to the maze.

Thomas sees a button and presses it. A video starts playing and everyone looks at the screen. It's live, from another lab. (I know it was in the lab but I need it to go like this :V)

"Hello. My name is Doctor Ava Paige. I'm director of operations  of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department. If you're talking to me right now, than it means you're not dead, like the most of you, and you have succesfully completed the maze trails." Ava gives a fake smile.

"I wish I could be there in person to congrutale you with your 'victory' but I can't. Project seven is starting."

"Project seven...?" Teresa whispers.

"You don't know what it is, and you don't need to... yet." Teresa and Thomas know what it is, and maybe some of the gladers too.

"Isn't that y/n's mom?" Chuck whispers. Ava doesn't hear him.

"Yeah," Thomas answers Chuck's question.

"You may not remember it," Ava continues, "but the sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives were lost to fire. The fall-out was unimaginable. What came after was - and is - worse.

"We call it 'the flare'. A deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent, unpredictable, unkillable... Uncurable... Or so we thought.

"In time a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly there was a reason to hope for a cure, but finding it would not be easy.

"The young would have to be tested. Sacrificed... Being brought in violent, and all kinds of situations so the brain activities could be studied. All in an effort to understand the difference.

"What makes you different. You may not realize it, but you're very important. Unfortunately your trials have only just begun."

"Excuse you, what?" Thomas says. "How? You're going to keep test us until we're old and can barely talk?"

"Thomas. We only want a cure, we want the best for you, but for us too." Ava says. Suddenly a man comes in, in the room with Ava, not with the gladers. The man has a nose bleeding.

"Mrs. Paige, Subject C has escaped with the other two subjects with her." he started. "Cell seven wasn't good enough, if we catch them again, we'll need to place them in an isolated cell in the basement, with more security."

Ava's eyes widened. "How could she escape?! I thought you people were trained! How in the world could my own daughter be escaping this place, she's y/n and you're all trained adults!" Ava is really grumpy. "What are you still standing here! Go find her! "

Ava turns her back to the gladers and pretends like nothing just happened. She talks some dumb shit until another guard comes in.

"Mrs. Paige, we got two of the subjects. The other escaped."

"Who?" Ava said seriously, secretly hoping her daughter escaped.

"We got Subject C - Y/n -  and Emily Janson. Thana Crawford escaped."

With that, she stops the live thing and leaves the gladers with an open mouth, staring at the black screen.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐄, tmr - Teresa¹ | ✓Where stories live. Discover now