~Chapter 25~

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Just as ratman told us, some wckd-workers came and gave us food. It was not much, but better than nothing.

We eat it as if we didnt eat for weeks. It sure feels like we didnt.

No hour after we ate something, guards come to get me. They inject something into my neck to make me lose consciousness. I feel my eyelids get heavier by the second.  I dream.

I'm 5 years younger as I am in my not-dream. I'm with Minho, going to steal food from the kitchen.

"Come!" We hear someone whisper. It's nor me or Minho.

A boy comes in. He's short and he has short, curly, brown hair.

Me and Minho jump. Shuck. We're doomed. If WCKD finds out, were dead.

"Oi! Dont worry!" The boy whispers. Its Chuck. "I'm here to steal food too!"

My dream-flashback-memory fades away. I hear muffled voices.

"You should know, that it could kill her."

"I dont care. Just take her blood." Its Ratman. I recognize his annoying voice everywhere.

I don't want to die...

I slip into unconsciousness, once again.
One last thought floats around my mind.

Why me...?


I wake up, and I see Rose. She's taking the wires out of me.

"Its time to go." She says. "Come on. We need to hurry. Frank said we only have one hour, before the doors close again."

"Frank?" I ask weakly.

"My brother." She answers whilst getting me up. I'm tired...

We go through hallways. I recognize some of them. We go to an elevator. Rose clicks on the button '0'. Almost no one goes there. Well, I did. And Emily and Thana. That's how we tried escaping.

When the elevator stops, we run to the doors. I see Emily and Frank waiting for us.

In the time we  try to go to the door, all guards March in. They start shooting.

Rose and Emily halp me stay on my feet whilst running outside. Frank runs behind us. For some reason, me, emily, rose and frank are still faster as the guards.

I get an adrenaline push and can run on myself. We all run.

Gunshots ring through the air. Frank falls down, he got shot.
Rose runs over to Frank to help him. She tries to get him of the floor, but she fails.
dun Dun DUNNN.
more gunshots sound, and also Rose falls down, to never get up again.

I see them mouth something, right before they close their eyes never to be opened again. 'Keep running'
Tears form in my eyes.

Keep running

Me and Emily keep running.

More gunshots come. I hate that sound.

Emily gets shot, in her stomach. She moans in pain.

We hide in some destroyed building.

"Hey. Hey. Stay with me." I whisper to Emily.  I can't lose her too! I try to stop the bleeding, but it doesnt work. My shirt gets full of blood.

"Its okay..." Emily says. "Just tell Thana I love her... please... And... dont blame yourself for this..."

"Hey! You're not gonna die! C'mon!" I sob.

" just t tell Thana I I l lo love h er..." with that, Also Emily breathes her last breath.

I had wished she was dead, not longer then a month ago. Now she is dead, And I'm sobbing.

"No.. please dont leave me alone...CMON! YOU CANT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS! please..."


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐄, tmr - Teresa¹ | ✓Where stories live. Discover now