~Chapter 20~

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A/n: Sorry for the time in between this chapter and chapter 19. I'm in France right now. I live in Belgium, I'm doing mostly campings and theres almost no wifi anywhere:/


I try to open my eyes.
The light is bright and I can't see very well what's happening around me, or with me.

I feel weak.

When my eyes finally adjust to the light, I see I'm still in the same room as before.
They're still taking my blood. How much did they take already?

"Hello." My mother says. I jump. Since when is she here?

"What are you doing to me?" I manage to croak out. I know, shes taking blood, but how much is she going to take? I don't wanna die from blood loss! I want to see Teresa, and Newt. And Thomas, Aris, Frypan,...

"Subject C." she starts. She called me Subject again. I swear I will kill her. Shes a liar. Shes mean. She only cares for you when she wants you to do something.  She hurt me. She hurt Teresa. She hurt my friends. "We will be taking blood from you. Today and the rest of the week. A little every day. It's a bit more today. I will let you bring food."

Rose walks in with a plate. Theres some food on it. I'm hungry but I dont want to eat.

"Hey, please eat this. We dont need you starving." She says kindly.

"And if I want to starve?" I mumble.

"You dont really want that. And remember, I'm getting you out of here as soon as possible. Right? Now try to eat this." Rose places the plate on some table next to my bed.
How am I supposed to eat? There are wires all over my arms!

After an hour or so, I managed to eat some things from the plate. I heard the people in the hallway talking, saying they're not going to give me much more food, cuz it could do changings in my blood they dont need.

Why are these people like that?

- a few days later-

I wake up. Again.
They're taking blood from me. Again.
I feel weak, and tired. Again.
My eyes hurt from the light. Again.


Someone walks in. Again.
It's a doctor. Again.

"Hello, C. Today is the last day were taking blood. We have enough. In a few minutes, guards will come and take you to your cell." Again.

The doctor disconnects the wires from my body.

It hurts...

As the doctor from before said, some guards come in.

"Stand up." A guard says.

"If you haven't noticed, I cant walk."

"You're going to go to your cell yourself. You walk, you crouch, I dont care." Seriously?

I dont do anything. I'm trying, but I cant.

The guard that spoke before does something with his hand, and the other guards next to him lift me out of the bed I've been in for days and put me on the ground. Just as expected, I immediately fell to my feet.

"C'mon girly. You can do it." One of the guards says. You cant see who it is, only that he has brown eyes. I swear If I could, I'd give him blue eyes. The guards these days, disgust me.

" Go." The guard from before says. The 'leader'.

"I cant. " I say. I feel light-headed.

"You're going to have to. Me and these other guards are tired. We've been doing hard work all day, and carrying you isnt on our to-do list."

I try to get forward by pulling me with my hands.

"Faster." The guard says. GOD I hate him!

I try to go faster, but I'm not really fast.

He kicks me.
And again...
And again...


I groan. I can feel the places they kicked me get blue/purple.

Ava walks past the room.

"Guards. What's happening here?" She says, strictly. "I told you to bring her to her cell."

"Ehm. Sorry, miss." He and the other guards take me from the floor. They drag me to my cell. For some reason they put my me extra high in the air, right before dropping me on the floor of my cell. Hard.

A/n: I hope you liked the chapter! This chapter is weird... like weird weird... yeah-

Thanks to @dex_7xx and @MariNeridhvili6 for commenting!

- Jasmien xxx

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