~Chapter 15~

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A/n: Thanks to everyone that's reading this :D


I almost escaped, ugh. At least Thana escaped. I don't know how she will survive but she will. I know she will, and maybe I'll see her again. If I don't die or she, or get killed, or get starved or-. I know I'm being positive.

I get dragged into the WCKD building, just like Emily. I wonder why WCKD lets Emily keep her name, but I have to be 'SuBjeCT c'. That's ridiculous. (A/n: Am I the only one thinking of Draco Malfoy right now? Yes? Okay)

We get thrown in a cell, but not cell seven. There's more security in this one. I feel dumb for getting caught. The guards here are dumb - the most at least. So that made it a little easier, but still, we got caught. We had thought of a plan for very long and it was - kinda - useless.

The procedure slowed down, they're starting project seven as fast as they can. I heard some guards talk about it a few meters away from our cell.

The guards lock the door and leave me and Emily inside the cell. It's boring in here.

"So. How are we going to escape from here?" I ask - mostly - to myself.

"I'm glad Thana escaped," Emily says while starin' at one of the walls.

"Same, and we're going to escape too. The question is how." I stand up. My necklace rings.

"What's that?" the girl next to me asks. "I've never noticed before."

"The necklace?" I ask, but it's not really a question. "I got it from Teresa. We were together for one year."

"Where is Teresa now?"

"She got sent to Maze A," 

"Oh..." was the answer I got back.

"But I'll see her again..." I say, trying to stay positive.


~ time skip // TW? -> I may be a little dramatic about needles, but why not :D~

Guards storm into our cell.

"Get up." one of them commands. We don't feel like doing what they say so we don't listen and stay on the cold floor.

"Get up." The guard repeats. Did they really think we'd follow willingly to some torture device? They're dumb, really.

"I said: 'get up'!" He yells. When we still don't listen, he commands the other guards to take us from the floor.

They drag us out of the cell. You'd think we'd want to go out of a cell with all of our heart, but no. Not in this case. 

They put us down next to some bed and forcefully tie us to the bed. I can barely move and I can see Emily can't either.

When they're done, they leave us alone with each other. Not long after, some doctors with scary-looking faces walk in. Is this on purpose? Or are scary-looking doctors the best for this? Ughhh

I don't like doctors, and I have my reasons. One of them is that they like to use needles. I hate needles. They are creepy and thin. They're the most terrifying when they're meant to go into ur arm. Or somewhere else. Needles are just so... prickly? I don't know how to describe this weird feeling about needles.

I shudder.

One of the doctors takes some serum. It's blue-purple. I don't really know, it's just in between them.

"What's that?" Emily asks, slightly terrified. They don't answer and walk towards us to inject it. I try to relax my arm, so it hurts less when they put the needle into my arm, but I fail. I can't relax right now. I feel the needle go into my arm and I feel some liquid being pushed into my muscle, flooding through my body. I flinch. I see Emily squirm as soon as the needle touches her skin.

I suddenly start to feel dizzy. Is this happening because of the serum? Ugh, can't WCKD at least explain what they're doing to us. 

What 👏 In 👏 The 👏 World 👏 Is 👏 Happening 👏

My vision begins to blur and I feel my eyelids become heavier by the second. I try to stay awake but it's not easy. 

Everything before my eyes gets black.

"Let's get project seven get started." I hear a voice in the background say right before I lose consciousness.

A/n: I hope you liked the chapter <3

- Jasmien xxx

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