~Chapter 28~

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Gunshots ring through the air.
Frank falls down, he got shot.
Rose runs over to Frank to help him. She tries to get him of the floor, but she fails.

dun Dun DUNNN.

More gunshots sound, and also Rose falls down, to never get up again.

I see them mouth something, right before they close their eyes never to be opened again. 'Keep running'
Tears form in my eyes.

Keep running

Me and Emily keep running.

More gunshots come. I hate that sound.

Emily gets shot, in her stomach. She moans in pain.

We hide in some destroyed building.

"Hey. Hey. Stay with me." I whisper to Emily.  I can't lose her too! I try to stop the bleeding, but it doesnt work. My shirt gets full of blood.

"Its okay..." Emily says. "Just tell Thana I love her... please... And... dont blame yourself for this..."

"Hey! You're not gonna die! C'mon!" I sob.

" just t tell Thana I I l lo love h er..." with that, Also Emily breathes her last breath.

I wake up. Crying. I look at my shoulder and  see theres a bandage. Did someone remove the robot thing?
I try to stand up. I can hardly stand.

"Morning." I say as I walk outside, to the gladers.

"Flower, you gotta keep resting a bit more..." Teresa says worriedly. She walks up to me and gives me a hug. She takes my hand and we both sit down. We eat.

"Are you okay?" Teresa asks.

"Yhea, but I'm hungry."

Teresa laughs a little and gives me food. "Here."

I eat it, quickly. I'm so hungry.


Thana walks up to me. I still sit next to my lover.

"Hey, y/n... Do you know what happened to Emily?" She asks, scared of the answer.

Tears form in my eyes, just  by thinking about her. "I'm so sorry, Thana... she didnt make it..."

I stand up and hug her. I wish I got a hug when I realized Emily's dead.

She gratefully hugs me back.


"What's your plan? Where are you going?" I ask the gladers.

"We're looking for the right arm. They're in the mountains."

"Okay. So we're going to the mountains?"



"What happened at WCKD when me and Teresa got sent away?" Thomas asks, while we walk through the desert, to the mountains. He asks many questions. I guess the maze didnt change him one bit.

"First I was lonely,  then I got thrown I  a cell then I they told me I'm the cure, so they took my blood. Then, someone stole the blood so they had to take blood again." All the gladers are listening to our conversation.

" then some doctor, Rose, said she and her brother wanted to help me and Emily get out. They helped us escape. "

"Where are they now?" Thomas asks.

"They're dead." I say coldly. I dont want to start crying again.

"I'm so so sorry... y/n. I shouldn't ask so many questions..."

"Its okay, Tommy." I say. I give hima a sad smile. Teresa grabs my hand tighter for a second, as if making me sure shes still there, and  she will not leave any time soon.

After that the gladers told me what happened to them in the maze, I walked to Minho.

"Hey, Minho." I say.

"Heyz, y/n." He answers.

"Do y'all know Janson?" I ask.


"Do you remember what you did to his office?" I smile.

"I have some memories, but no. I dont know that "

"I'll tell you. So, you gave Janson the nickname Ratman. You took an alcohol marker. Everywhere were stood: Janson. You placed a line through it and wrote 'ratman' instead." I laugh.

"Really?" He snickers.

"Yeah. You did it too in his door, the door of his office and they never got it off. It's still there." I'm laughing very hard at this moment. Just as everyone else that heard us.

A/n: I hope you liked the chapter! I hate myself for killing Emily 😅 Fuwk.

- Jasmien xxx

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐄, tmr - Teresa¹ | ✓Where stories live. Discover now