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“Mason Walker! I swear I will kick your ass if you make me late today! I haven’t seen everyone for 5 months! Last time I saw Jer was at some fair! I will cook you raw and eat you!” I threatened outside Mason’s door.

It had been 4 years since we parted our ways.

I was 21 now, all grown up. Mason and I were roomies. Since we go to the same university, we decided to get a nice little flat near campus. We fought every day but I would never trade being roomies with Mason for anything in the world.

We met on everyone’s birthdays and big events, not just 6 months.

Ashton was 3 hours away from us, and as we had decided earlier, we still meet every weekend without fail. When I couldn’t make it for weekends due to exams, Ashton would drive up all the way here and help me out or just take me on a nice movie or lunch date.

I constantly skyped Maddison and Andrew who were living together now, and were engaged, wow what a surprise. It happened about 5 months ago when we all met up.

Jer was a bit further down, about 7 hours. But we’d meet occasionally when I would have long breaks or he would. I text him all the time, and my week doesn’t end without a 2 hour phone call or skype call or facetime call with him.

Lisa is not very far away from Madds and Andrew, she meets them every now and then, but I haven’t seen her for 5 months now.

“Ah, the ever so threatening Anns” Mason said, finally appearing out of his room.

“What were you even doing?” I said hitting his shoulder.

“Taking a dump” he deadpanned.

I groaned, “You know I really want to meet Madds and Andrew and Lisa! And be with everyone together! It’s our annual 6 month meeting!”

“I know, J, and I’ll get you to your house in no time, I promise” Mason said kissing my forehead.

You must be wondering where did ‘J’ come from. Well, after a while we got bored of ‘Tom’ and ‘Jerry’ so we started calling each other ‘J’ and ‘T’ I mean obviously we were still very much Tom and Jerry.

We hit the road then, Mason drove for 2 hours and I took the wheel for the next 1.5.

Every one of us had the key to my house so I was excited to see who had reached before me.

I ran out of the car and barged into my door, banging on it obviously since I forgot to unlock the door. When I finally managed that, the door opened to Lisa’s beautiful face.

“LISA! I HAVE MISSED YOU!” I screamed into her ears and crushed her into a hug.

“Missed you too Anns! It’s been what, 5 months!” she said with equal excitement.

“Madds get your ass out here you bitch, I miss you! I know you’re hiding I saw your car in the driveway, and I know Lisa came with you so before I go crazy-”

I wasn’t able to complete my sentence as Maddison rushed into me, “DIANA!”

I hugged her furiously. No matter how many new girl friends I made, there was not one Madds that I could find. She would always be my number one, and I know I will be hers.

She let go of me and ran into Mason’s arms, squealing.

Then Andrew came into view, he calmly walked towards me and kissed my cheeks. “How are you?”

He asked hugging me tightly as well. I remained in his arms for a while, I missed him so much, and he is my brother after all. I had become used to him yelling at me and making me breakfast in the mornings. It has been 4 years, yes, but I can’t get over it.

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