Chapter 60:

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"Guys!" exclaimed Mason, suddenly.
I woke up with a jolt, I hadn't that realized I had fallen asleep in Ashton's arms. I glared at Mason, but noticing that he wasn't looking in my direction, I began rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

How long was I out for?

As if knowing what I was going to ask, Ashton nudged me, "You slept for 30 minutes max,"

I smiled, "I was just going to ask you how long I was out for,"

His smile matched mine.

"Guess we're made for each other types after all."

I rolled my eyes, "took you long enough"

He pushed me away lightly, and I actually fell...

"Oh shit! Sorry, you're so clumsy!" Ashton said, laughing at me.

I frown at him, "You're the one who pushed me"

Before he could reply, Mason yelled again. "GUYS I FOUND IT! IS NOBODY LISTENING I FOUND THE WAY BACK!" He said.

We all looked at Mason for a moment, then at each other. Then together all of us turned around, and went back to doing whatever we were.

I leaned into Ashton's shoulder, Ashton wrapped an arm around me, Jeremy got up and stretched, Andrew and Maddison went back to cuddling, Lisa rests her head on my lap.

"Umm...okay that's awkward" Mason said looking around at all of us.

"You all suck; I swear I found the way back! Why don't you believe me?" he whined

"That's cute Mase, but we got lost because you led the way in the first place, so I'm sorry but you've missed your chance to be leader"

He pouted. "Okay, there's no need to be rude"

"Sorry, I'm just really tired, and I hate walking." I said, feeling a little bit guilty now.

"Fine" he huffed, "Don't believe me. I'm going back alone and sleeping in my sleeping bag and eating the whole bag of chips and sandwiches and I will even finish the whole can of nutella. You can all suck it!"

I sighed.

He was serious, but he wouldn't make it 10 minutes without us, he would go all macho, and then he would get scared alone, then he would here some creepy noise and then the darkness would overwhelm him and then he would coming running back.

We let him go on his own, all of us knowing he would come back.

But then Ashton got up, "Guys come on, he's trying. He might get lost, we need to follow him"

I nodded in agreement; maybe that idiot would find the way back, maybe not, but you can always take a risk right?

So we all got up and followed Mason, it didn't take very long before we caught up with him.

He was flashing the light everywhere, talking aloud.

"This is where we scared Jerry, and Jeremy went to take piss, the spot still seems wet. Okay so that means I have to turn right in about 20-Andrew-like-steps."

We all kept quiet, following him from the shadows trying to guess what he's going to do next.

If you're wondering what Andrew-like-steps are, then stop. I'll tell you. Once we were all preparing for the annual sports meet, that year Andrew was in my class. I'm not sure which year, but I vaguely remember it to be year 6 or 7 at the most. We had this race which was supposed to be a hurdle race, but, at the last moment something went wrong and we didn't get the hurdles delivered in time. But, that didn't phase Andrew one bit. Instead of running like we all did, normally. He decided to make the best of all the time he spent in hurdle practicing. So, instead of running, he jumped after calculated steps. He took 2 long strides, and then jumped as if the hurdle was ahead of him, then he'd take 2 more long strides, repeating the same action till he finished the race.

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