Chapter 23:

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[Jeremy's P.O.V]

I woke up to the alarm going off. It was 530, right on time. I got up scratching my neck and messing my hair. I stretched, and learnt one thing: Never ever sleep on the ground when the temperature in the room is about 16 degrees!

I was all stiffened up. Urgh, I groaned.

Diana didn't wake up, she was still asleep peacefully. Well, she slept like a fucking bear! She was always either sleeping or eating. I have no idea of she maintains that body of hers! I mean I have seen people go to gym, stretch, run, jog or even starve to keep in shape. As for Diana, she well, she eats, sleeps, hates walking, doesn't run or jog, hell she even eats here lungs out!

I saw Jenny all tangled up with Diana.

Honestly the two of them looked really comfortable and peaceful together. No whining. Thank gods for that.

I walked up to the guest room- which I had been staying in for a long time now. Pulled out low waist jeans and a loose button down shirt.

I quickly took a shower and dressed up, rolling my sleeves to my elbows

I glanced at the clock: 5:45am.

Perfect, now the hardest part of my schedule. Wake up the bear.

I chuckled.

"Diaaaaanaaaaaaa" I said in a singsong voice.

She groaned and buried herself deeper into her sheets.

"Seriously, get your lazy ass out! We have practice!" I yelled.

This chick was never reasonable.

I yanked off the comforter.

She opened her eyes for a few minutes, and show me a death glare. Then after threatening me she fell back on her bed! See that! She was impossible.


"Try it, and see what I do." She said a voice muffled by the pillow.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!"

With that I slipped my hands under her thighs and head, then carried her bridal style and dumped her right into her bathtub.

Her eyes flew open in surprise. Before she could react, I quickly switched the shower on and ran out of the door. Then yelled, "5 mins to breakfast and I'm leaving!"

I had to run out before she threatened my life. When she hits, its actually fucking hurts!

"JEREMY HASTINGS. I WILL TAKE REVENGE, JUST WAIT!" She yelled though her door.

I laughed.

This would be the end of my life, soon.

I woke up little Jenny. I wanted her to sleep, but since we were leaving I had to drop her to the day care centre. Luckily my dad is friends with the owner so, they allow Jenny to be there most of the time.

"Morning princess." I said.

Jenny shifted a little in her place. But refused to wake up.

"Come on Jenny, ill piggy back ride you till the kitchen!" I reasoned.

She opened one eye.

"Fine, I'll give you chocolates." Yep, that did it.

She flung herself off the bed and into my arms. I ruffled her hair.

She pouted.

I laughed it off and helped her to get on to by back. She held by throat. I went down and got two bowls of cereal, I poured milk into both and passed one to Jenny.

I wasn't in a mood of cereal, so I found a juice box and started gulping down directly.

"Huh, and you complain about my eating manners?" Diana asked walking into the room.

I smirked at her, thankfully she forgot her threat.

"Oh, I remember I'm not supposed to be talking to you."

"Woah, hey! When did that happen?" I asked.

"The moment you threw me into the bathtub and turned the shower on!"

"What happened to not talking?" I chuckled.

When she realised I tricked her, she opened her mouth and shut it back.

We dropped Jenny off at day care, which she happily went too. I sped off to school. We were late, as usual. We were always late anyways.

Thanks to little miss sunshine beside me.

She actually stuck by her words, she didn't speak to me, AT ALL.

"Come on, Diana. You wouldn't have woken up, ever!"

She ignored me.



I poked her cheek, "HI"


"Diiaaaanaaaaa, I've got hersheeeeeeeys!" I said in a singsong voice.


Dammit. She doesn't want chocolate.

"You do realise I'm your dance partner, right?"

No answer.

Seriously? What did I do!

I pouted.

She started laughing.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Come on, we're later than usual, they will kill me." She chuckled.

"Hey guysssssssss!" Diana walked in casually.

Everyone was used to us ending up late, so they didn't even spare me a second glance.

We got into position, just the normal daily routine.

I didn't want to accept the dance offer at first, but I did it anyways- for Lisa. She said Anna really needs some distraction right now, and if this is what she needs, then thats what she should get. She deserves way better. Like so much more better than any of us can offer, I did what I do best, helped be her distraction.

Although, I don't think she should continue dancing, her occasional head aches have been scaring the living shit outta me.

Its like one minute she's happy and the second she is crying and in pain.

I never wanted to see Diana like this, never in a million years.

The moment I met her, I knew she was that girl who was strong, like the most strongest one. That chick who could beat a guys ass any day, unless it was Ashton. I've noticed her a bunch of times in school before, she sure knew how to be a bitch if she wanted too. She wasn't what I would call 'Miss-Goody-Two-Shoes' she was a pretty bad ass girl, if you asked me.

She has been broken so many times, but she still hasn't given up.

She had grown on me over the past months, I really did care about her, A LOT. More than I thought I would, especially after her.

"Hey! Hello, earth to Jeeerrrrr!" She whined.

That brought me back.

I covered my ears to add a dramatic effect, "aww man, stop whining! You're not 5!"

She giggled.

I rolled my eyes.

I twirled her around, finishing the routine perfectly. She landed in my arms as if she was dead- woah, don't get scared, its part of the act.

See, since Diana has gone through so much, she sure has a thing for making the act work and completely engrossing the audience. She does it so passionately that everyone around her suddenly reflects the same energy.

"That was fantastic!" Maddison yelled.

"Diana, you're fucking amazing!" Lana squealed.

She didn't respond, wait WHAT!?

"DIANA!" I shook her.



What the fuck?

"Call the ambulance, NOW!" I ordered.

I knew it, I knew it. This was her head. Fucking doctor never warned us about any of this!

I knew it, I knew dancing was a bad idea.

I gave in to Lisa too easily. If she realises, she's gonna- lets not even get there,

"Diana, wake up, please." I tried moving her, but she laid there in my arms, breathing but still lifeless.

The ambulance came over and took her away, after that pretty much everything was a blur.

I remember getting in, then I don't know.

The next thing I know, I was in the hospital with Lisa, Mason, Mel, Andy, Andrew and Maddison. Yes, Mel was there.

Lisa was beside me, speaking comforting words in my ear, rubbing circles on my back. In a different situation I would have reacted but not now. It was Diana.

I was scared to admit but since I saw her on and off head aches I assumed her to have brain tumour. I just didn't want that to be true, please God, Please.

After about 40 minutes of walking from one door to another, repetitively. The doctor came out.

"Well?" I asked.

"We might have to run a few tests, seems like she hurt her head bad the last time, we need to be sure. But just so I don't get your hopes high, there might be chances of her having a brain injury, tumour, busted nerves, anything." The doctor sighed.

"You can run the tests" I nodded, for him to continue.

Bloody hell. Just what I didn't want.

Not being able to control my anger, I punched my fist into the wall.


It didn't even hurt.

I was beyond furious.


We waited there, for another hour and a half more.

Andrew was trying hard not to cry while Maddison was in his arms, crying softly. She looked up expecting to see the doctor occasionally. Her eyes bloodshot. Face puffy and mascara all over her face.

Mason's eyes were red. He tried to cry but it wouldn't come out.

Mel was on the phone with Ashton, informing him about everything going on.

Andy had buried his face in his hands, sitting on the bench.

Lisa was beside me, trying to keep my anger in check. I kept punching walls again and again.

"Mr Hastings?" The doctor asked.

My eyes shot up, "Thats me."

"I suppose you brought Ms. Summers here. She is awake now, but I did like to talk to you personally. As for the others, you can visit her, she is conscious now."

At that everyone in the waiting area let out a sigh of relief.

I followed the doctor into his cabin, and he ushered me to sit.

"I'm sorry," he started.







"No don't say it. Seriously. Please." I pleaded, rubbing my temples. Keeping the tears from falling down.

"Oh no Mr Hastings, you have got me wrong. I'm sorry for scaring you earlier. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Its just mental stress. She is fine physically, as good as new. But, mentally. She is keeping too much inside. When you constantly think of something without rest, these kind of complications do happen." He explained.

I was so relief, that I felt I could die happily now.

"Thankyou so much doctor. What do you suggest for her, um condition?" I asked.

"Well, just let her open up, if she is holding something for too long then it will have consequences. I suggest let her feel loved, and needed. Yes, make her feel needed to keep her mind on the right track at least until her previous injuries are healed completely."

"Can she dance?" I asked suddenly.

"As I said earlier, she is perfectly fine. Just make sure she doesn't stress."

I returned back to my friends.

Make her feel needed, there was only one way to do so. To tell her the truth, the truth about us. The truth about her.


Heyyaaaaaa feelllllaaaaa's

Hows this chapter? I updated fast! See, told ya.


Also, how was this chapter? Was it good? Did I do justice to Jers character? I don't think so..

Btw, who do you think is HER? ;)

I just love this MUAHAHAHAH

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