Chapter 30:

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"Diana! Water, pleasseeeee!" Maddison's voice called out.

"I'm too sleepy, ask Ashton!" I whined.

"Hey! I'm right beside you and I haven't slept all night either" Ashton whined, beside me.

Wait WHAT? Beside me? How? When? Where? Why? What?

I turned around, only to bump into Ashton's bare chest.. Not that I haven't seen it before, boy was he hot? Obviously. Thats so outta question! The six pack. Geez Diana, stop staring, wait uh-huh, correction, stop drooling!

"Umm, Ashton? How exactly did we end up here?" I mumbled.

He chuckled, his chest vibrated due to his sexy laughter. I think I'm too lovey-dovey in the mornings. Explains my sudden interest in everything he does, not that I want before, its Ashton! I'm always interested and I'm blabbering again, to no one in particular. Damn I'm high. But that doesn't make sense since we drank last night. I'm supposed to be having a severe headache because of the hangover, or maybe its the hangover talking, however-

Nah, ill just shutup.

"You don't remember?" He asked, aww that morning voice just so..

"Nope. Care to enlighten me?"

"Okay, look, after we took video's of all of these drunk shits, they passed out. Like literally every single one of them, its crazy! Never seen that before. Like how did all of them pass out together, okay not together, at different times-"

I cut him off, "but the point is.."

"Oh right sorry. Okay so once they were all passed out, you and I carried each of them and out them in respective rooms. Andrew & Madds in the guest room downstairs, Jer & Lisa in my room, left Mason on the floor and placed Andy on the couch. Then we texted all their parents saying they were safe and something amongst the lines of that. You were really tired so I got you back to your room, and went to uh, sleep." He explained.

There was something about the last part that I didn't find right.

"Are you sure that was about it?"

"Are you sure you don't remember anything?" He emphasised.

Yup. He surely is hiding something.

"Okay Ashton, spill. What are you hiding?"

"Well, um, you know, its nothing, huh, why would I hide?" He was so nervous that I had a feeling he would start biting his nails like a little girl!

"Dude you're a good liar but I can still catch your lies, and now that you're being over dramatic I'm more than sure you're lying, so quit stressing both of us and wasting time. Just tell me already" I pleaded.

"Yeah but its nothing, you know what you had to."

"Are we seriously gonna do this?"

He sighed, "alright, so when we were up, you suddenly started crying and I didn't know why or what to do? It was your mom, you kept saying you miss her and you wouldn't stop. I got you water, hugged you, said comforting words but nothing worked. You just kept tearing up. And I hated to see you like this, it was not a good sight to see. I think Alcohol was messing with your head, so the only way to stop you was to ki-"

"Oye! You two, come on down, everyones awake," Lisa said, poking her head in my room.

I groaned. But after she left. I don't understand, why is it that every time something like this happens, some one or the other has to stop us, like seriously? What the hell, universe?

"This always happens," Ashton mumbled.

I know that feel bro, I know that feel.

I didn't mean bro literally or mean bro at all, it just fit well with that phrase! Nope, I haven't bro-zoned him.

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